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N1 Verb List

1 仰ぐ aogu
to look up (at)
2 明かす akasu
to pass (the night), to spend
3 赤らむ akaramu
to become red, to redden, to blush
4 上がる agaru
to rise, to go up, to come up, to ascend, to be raised
5 呆れる akireru
to be amazed, to be shocked, to be astonished, to be astounded, to be disgusted, to be exasperated, to be fed up
6 朝寝坊 asanebou
sleeping late in the morning, sleeping in, lie-in, oversleeping
7 欺く azamuku
to deceive, to delude, to trick, to fool
8 あざ笑う azawarau
to laugh at, to ridicule, to mock, to make fun of, to sneer at
9 焦る aseru
to be in a hurry, to be impatient, to be anxious (to do), to fret
10 あちこち achikochi
here and there, various places, all around, all over, everywhere, throughout
11 悪化 akka
deterioration, getting worse, worsening, aggravation, degeneration, corruption
12 悪口 warukuchi
slander, bad-mouthing, abuse, insult, speaking ill (of)
13 あっさり assari
easily, readily, quickly, flatly (refuse)
14 圧迫 appaku
15 集まる atsumaru
to gather, to collect, to assemble
16 あつらえる atsuraeru
to give an order, to place an order, to have made to order
17 あてはまる atehamaru
to apply (of a rule), to be applicable (of standards, lessons, ideas, etc.), to hold true (e.g. of a description), to fit, to be suitable (e.g. of a word), to meet (requirements), to fulfill (conditions), to come under (a heading)
18 当てはめる atehameru
to apply, to adapt
19 宛てる ateru
to address
20 あふれる afureru
to overflow, to brim over, to flood
21 あぶる aburu
to warm (e.g. one's hands over a fire), to dry
22 甘える amaeru
to behave like a spoiled child, to fawn on
23 操る ayatsuru
to operate (e.g. a machine), to handle, to manage, to control, to maneuver, to steer
24 危ぶむ ayabumu
to fear, to doubt, to have misgivings about, to worry about, to be anxious about, to be apprehensive about
25 誤る ayamaru
to make a mistake (in), to commit an error, to do incorrectly, to err
26 歩む ayumu
to walk, to go on foot
27 あらかじめ arakajime
beforehand, in advance, previously
28 荒らす arasu
to lay waste, to devastate, to damage
29 改まる aratamaru
to be renewed, to change
30 現れる arawareru
to appear, to come in sight, to become visible, to come out, to embody, to materialize, to materialise
31 合わす awasu
to match (rhythm, speed, etc.)
32 慌てる awateru
to become confused (disconcerted, disorganized, disorganised), to be flustered, to panic
33 暗殺 ansatsu
34 暗算 anzan
mental arithmetic
35 暗示 anji
hint, suggestion
36 案じる anjiru
to be anxious (about), to be concerned (about), to worry (about), to fear
37 言い訳 iiwake
38 家出 iede
running away from home, elopement
39 生かす ikasu
to make (the best) use of, to put to good use, to leverage (skills, attributes, experience, etc.), to capitalise on (experience, etc.)
40 怒る ikaru
to get angry, to get mad
41 歪む hizumu
to warp, to bend, to contort
42 意気込む ikigomu
to be enthusiastic (about), to be eager (to do), to be keen, to be intent (on), to be determined
43 育成 ikusei
rearing, training, nurture, cultivation, promotion
44 生ける ikeru
to arrange (flowers), to plant
45 移行 ikou
transition, changeover, switchover, shift
46 いじめる ijimeru
to ill-treat, to bully, to torment, to pick on, to tease, to be cruel to, to persecute
47 移住 ijuu
migration, immigration
48 いじる ijiru
to finger, to touch, to play with, to fiddle with, to toy with
49 依存 izon
dependence, reliance
50 委託 itaku
entrusting (something to a person), consignment (of goods), putting in someone's charge, trust, commission