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N1 Verb List

101 演出 enshutsu
direction (of a play, film, etc.), production
102 演じる enjiru
to act (a part), to play (a role)
103 演ずる enzuru
to act (a part), to play (a role)
104 追い込む oikomu
to herd, to drive, to chase, to corral
105 追い出す oidasu
to expel, to drive out
106 おいでになる oideninaru
to be
107 老いる oiru
to age, to grow old
108 負う ou
to bear, to carry on one's back
109 応募 oubo
application, subscription, entry (competition, raffle, etc.), enlistment
110 犯す okasu
to commit (e.g. crime), to perpetrate, to make (e.g. mistake)
111 侵す okasu
to invade, to raid, to violate (airspace, etc.), to intrude, to trespass
112 遅らす okurasu
to delay, to postpone, to slow down, to retard
113 起こす okosu
to raise, to raise up, to set up, to pick up
114 おごる ogoru
to give (someone) a treat
115 押さえる osaeru
to pin down, to hold down, to press down, to hold in place, to hold steady
116 収まる osamaru
to fit into (a box, frame, category, etc.), to be contained within, to fall within (e.g. a budget)
117 治まる osamaru
to die down (storm, anger, conflict, etc.), to calm down, to cool off, to abate, to be settled, to be brought under control
118 押し込む oshikomu
to push into, to cram into, to stuff into, to crowd into
119 惜しむ oshimu
to be frugal, to be sparing
120 おしゃべり oshaberi
chattering, talk, idle talk, chat, chitchat, gossip
121 押し寄せる oshiyoseru
to advance on, to close in, to march on, to descend on (the enemy), to move towards, to surge forward (crowd, wave of nostalgia, wave, etc.), to rush for (the door), to inundate, to overwhelm, to push aside
122 襲う osou
to attack, to assail, to make an assault, to strike, to hunt down
123 恐れ入る osoreiru
to be sorry, to beg pardon, to be much obliged, to feel small
124 おだてる odateru
to flatter, to soft-soap, to sweet talk, to cajole, to instigate
125 落ち込む ochikomu
to feel down, to feel sad, to be depressed, to be in low spirits
126 落ちる ochiru
to fall, to drop, to come down, to crash, to collapse, to cave in, to give way
127 おっしゃる ossharu
to say, to speak, to tell, to talk
128 落とす otosu
to drop, to lose, to let fall, to shed (light), to cast (one's gaze), to pour in (liquid), to leave behind
129 訪れる otozureru
to visit, to call on
130 お供 otomo
attendant, companion
131 衰える otoroeru
to become weak, to decline, to wear, to abate, to decay, to wither, to waste away
132 オドオド odoodo
timidly, nervously, hesitantly, trembling (with fear), fearfully, anxiously
133 脅かす kyoukasu
to threaten, to menace, to intimidate
134 脅す odosu
to threaten, to menace, to frighten (into doing)
135 怯える obieru
to become frightened, to be frightened (of), to be scared (of)
136 帯びる obiru
to wear (sword, decoration, etc.), to carry
137 赴く omomuku
to go in the direction of, to proceed toward, to proceed according to, to repair to, to betake oneself to
138 重んじる omonjiru
to respect, to honor, to honour, to esteem, to prize
139 重んずる omonzuru
to honor, to honour, to respect, to esteem, to prize
140 及ぶ oyobu
to reach, to amount to, to befall, to happen to, to extend, to go on (for, until)
141 折り返す orikaesu
to turn up (hem, sleeves, etc.), to fold back (e.g. page)
142 織る oru
to weave
143 終わる owaru
to end, to come to an end, to close, to finish
144 改悪 kaiaku
deterioration, changing for the worse
145 改革 kaikaku
reform, reformation, reorganization
146 会見 kaiken
interview, audience, meeting, (viewing) party
147 介護 kaigo
nursing, care, caregiving, caring
148 開催 kaisai
holding (a conference, exhibition, etc.), opening, hosting (e.g. the Olympics)
149 回収 kaishuu
collection, recovery, withdrawal, retrieval
150 改修 kaishuu
repair, improvement