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N3 Verb List

51 印刷 insatsu
52 引退 intai
53 インタビュー intabyuu
interview (i.e. television, newspaper, etc.)
54 うがい ugai
gargling, rinsing one's mouth
55 伺う ukagau
to call on someone, to call at a place, to pay a visit, to wait on someone
56 浮く uku
to float
57 動く ugoku
to move, to stir, to shift, to shake, to swing
58 失う ushinau
to lose
59 打ち合わせ uchiawase
advance arrangements, preparatory meeting, briefing session
60 打つ utsu
to hit, to strike, to knock, to beat, to punch, to slap, to tap, to bang, to clap, to pound
61 うっかり ukkari
carelessly, thoughtlessly, inadvertently
62 頷く ganku
to nod, to bow one's head in assent, to agree
63 唸る unaru
to groan, to moan
64 奪う ubau
to snatch away, to dispossess, to steal
65 生まれる umareru
to be born
66 埋める umeru
to bury (e.g. in the ground)
67 敬う uyamau
to show respect for, to revere, to honour, to honor, to worship, to hold in esteem
68 羨む urayamu
to envy, to be envious of, to be jealous of
69 売り切れる urikireru
to be sold out
70 売る uru
to sell
71 売れる ureru
to sell (well)
72 運転 unten
operation (of a machine), running, working
73 運動 undou
exercise, physical training, workout, sports, athletics
74 影響 eikyou
influence, effect, impact
75 営業 eigyou
business, trade, operations
76 描く egaku
to draw, to paint, to sketch
77 選ぶ erabu
to choose, to select
78 延期 enki
postponement, deferment, adjournment
79 演技 engi
acting, performance
80 援助 enjo
assistance, aid, support
81 演説 enzetsu
speech, address
82 演奏 ensou
musical performance
83 延長 enchou
extension, elongation, prolongation, lengthening
84 追いかける oikakeru
to chase, to run after, to pursue
85 おいでになる oideninaru
to be
86 追う ou
to chase, to run after, to pursue, to follow after
87 応援 ouen
aid, assistance, help, support, reinforcement
88 応じる oujiru
to respond, to satisfy, to accept, to comply with, to apply for
89 往復 oufuku
making a round trip, going and returning, coming and going
90 応用 ouyou
(practical) application, putting to practical use
91 終える oeru
to finish
92 おかわり okawari
another helping, second helping, seconds, refill
93 おく oku
to put, to place
94 送る okuru
to send (a thing), to dispatch, to despatch, to transmit
95 贈る okuru
to give (as a gift), to present
96 行う okonau
to perform, to do, to conduct oneself, to carry out
97 押さえる osaeru
to pin down, to hold down, to press down, to hold in place, to hold steady
98 おしゃべり oshaberi
chattering, talk, idle talk, chat, chitchat, gossip
99 汚染 osen
pollution, contamination
100 おっしゃる ossharu
to say, to speak, to tell, to talk