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N1 Verb List

301 苦しめる kurushimeru
to torment, to pain, to inflict (physical) pain, to hurt
302 包む tsutsumu
to wrap up, to pack, to bundle, to do up
303 くれる kureru
to give, to let (one) have
304 群集 gunshuu
crowd, community, group, herd, gathering, assembly
305 経過 keika
passage (of time), elapsing, lapse
306 警戒 keikai
vigilance, caution, alertness, precaution, being on guard
307 軽減 keigen
abatement, reduction
308 掲載 keisai
publication (e.g. of an article in a newspaper), carrying (e.g. a story), running (e.g. a serial), insertion (e.g. of an advertisement), printing, posting (e.g. on the web)
309 傾斜 keisha
inclination, slant, slope, bevel, list, dip, tilt, lean
310 形成 keisei
formation, molding, making (up), taking form, giving form to
311 けいたい keitai
carrying (on one's person or in the hand)
312 軽蔑 keibetsu
contempt, scorn, disdain, despising, looking down on, slighting
313 汚す yogosu
to pollute, to contaminate, to soil, to make dirty, to stain
314 汚れる yogoreru
to be violated, to be corrupted, to be polluted, to be stained
315 決行 kekkou
doing (with resolve), carrying out (e.g. a plan)
316 決算 kessan
settlement of accounts, closing accounts, financial results, reporting (of accounts)
317 結晶 kesshou
crystal, crystallization, crystallisation
318 結成 kessei
formation, combination
319 結束 kessoku
union, unity, solidarity
320 決意 ketsui
decision, determination, resolution
321 決議 ketsugi
resolution, vote, decision
322 結合 ketsugou
combination, union, joining, linking, coupling
323 決断 ketsudan
decision, determination
324 欠乏 ketsubou
deficiency, insufficiency, shortage, lack, want, dearth, scarcity
325 蹴飛ばす keritobasu
to kick away, to kick off, to kick hard
326 けなす kenasu
to speak ill of, to disparage
327 煙る keburu
to smoke (e.g. fire), to billow smoke, to smoulder, to smolder
328 兼業 kengyou
perusing as a side business, doing in addition to one's main work, running (businesses) simultaneously, job on the side
329 倹約 kenyaku
thrift, economy, frugality
330 兼用 kenyou
multi-use, combined use, combination, serving two purposes
331 激励 gekirei
encouragement, spurring (on), cheering (on)
332 げっそり gessori
to be disheartened, to be dejected, to be discouraged, to be disappointed
333 下痢 geri
diarrhea, diarrhoea
334 減少 genshou
decrease, reduction, decline
335 現像 genzou
development (of film), photographic processing
336 限定 gentei
limit, restriction
337 減点 genten
subtracting points
338 交易 koueki
trade, commerce
339 公演 kouen
public performance
340 後悔 koukai
regret, repentance, remorse
341 公開 koukai
opening to the public, making available to the public, exhibiting, unveiling, release (of a film, information, etc.), disclosure, publication
342 航海 koukai
(sea) voyage, navigation, sailing, passage, cruise
343 抗議 kougi
protest, objection
344 興業 kougyou
promotion of industry, inauguration of a new industrial enterprise
345 交互 kougo
alternate, alternating, mutual, reciprocal
346 工作 kousaku
347 耕作 kousaku
cultivation, farming
348 講習 koushuu
short course, training
349 交渉 koushou
negotiations, bargaining, discussions, talks
350 行進 koushin
march, parade