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N1 Verb List

701 給う tamau
to give
702 賜る tamawaru
to be given, to be granted, to be honored with, to be honoured with
703 ためらう tamerau
to hesitate, to waver
704 保つ tamotsu
to keep, to preserve, to hold, to retain, to maintain, to sustain
705 たるむ tarumu
to slacken, to loosen, to relax, to droop (e.g. loose or flabby skin), to sag (ceiling)
706 垂れる tareru
to hang, to droop, to dangle, to sag, to lower, to pull down
707 探検 tanken
exploration, expedition
708 短縮 tanshuku
shortening, contraction, reduction, curtailment, abbreviation
709 代弁 daiben
speaking by proxy, speaking for (someone else), acting as spokesman (for), representing (the views, feelings, etc. of)
710 代用 daiyou
711 打開 dakai
break in the deadlock
712 妥協 dakyou
compromise, giving in
713 妥結 daketsu
settlement, an agreement
714 脱出 dasshutsu
escape, break-out
715 脱退 dattai
withdrawal (e.g. from an organization), secession, leaving, pulling out
716 だぶだぶ dabudabu
loose (of clothing), baggy
717 騙す damasu
to trick, to cheat, to deceive
718 団結 danketsu
unity, union, solidarity, combination, teaming up
719 断言 dangen
assertion, declaration, affirmation
720 近づく chikazuku
to approach, to draw near, to get close
721 違える chigaeru
to change, to alter
722 契る chigiru
to pledge, to vow, to promise, to swear
723 蓄積 chikuseki
accumulation, accumulate, store
724 縮まる chijimaru
to shorten, to narrow, to close, to shrink
725 窒息 chissoku
suffocation, choking, asphyxia
726 着手 chakushu
starting work (on), setting to work (on), setting about (doing), beginning, commencing, embarking on
727 着色 chakushoku
colouring, coloring, colorant
728 着席 chakuseki
taking a seat, sitting down (in one's seat)
729 着目 chakumoku
attention, giving one's attention, focusing
730 着陸 chakuriku
landing, alighting, touch down
731 着工 chakkou
starting (construction) work
732 ちやほや chiyahoya
to make a fuss over, to pamper, to spoil, to indulge, to flatter (with attention)
733 宙返り chuugaeri
somersault, looping-the-loop
734 中継 chuukei
relay, hook-up
735 忠告 chuukoku
advice, warning
736 中傷 chuushou
slander, libel, defamation, calumny, smear
737 抽選 chuusen
lottery, raffle, drawing (of lots)
738 中断 chuudan
interruption, suspension, break
739 中毒 chuudoku
740 中和 chuuwa
neutralization, neutralisation, counteraction
741 調印 chouin
signature, signing, sealing
742 聴講 choukou
lecture attendance, auditing
743 徴収 choushuu
collection (of fees, taxes, etc.), levy
744 挑戦 chousen
challenge, defiance, dare, attempt, try
745 調停 choutei
arbitration, conciliation, mediation
746 調理 chouri
cooking, food preparation
747 調和 chouwa
harmony, accord, reconciliation, agreement
748 貯蓄 chochiku
749 直感 chokkan
intuition, instinct, hunch
750 治療 chiryou
(medical) treatment, care, therapy, cure, remedy