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N1 Verb List

801 手引き tebiki
guidance, lead, acting as guide
802 照り返す terikaesu
to reflect, to throw back light
803 手分け tewake
division of labour, division of labor, splitting into groups (e.g. to search)
804 点火 tenka
ignition, lighting, firing, setting off
805 転回 tenkai
revolution, rotation
806 転換 tenkan
conversion, diversion, changeover, commutation, switchover
807 転居 tenkyo
moving, changing residence, change of address
808 転勤 tenkin
job transfer, job relocation, intra-company transfer
809 点検 tenken
inspection, examination, checking
810 転校 tenkou
changing schools
811 展示 tenji
exhibition, display
812 転じる tenjiru
to turn, to shift, to alter, to distract
813 転々 tenten
moving from place to place, being passed around repeatedly
814 転任 tennin
change of post
815 展望 tenbou
view, outlook, prospect
816 転落 tenraku
fall, tumble, spill, plunge, dive
817 出会う deau
to meet (by chance), to come across, to run across, to encounter, to happen upon
818 出切る shutsukiru
to be out of, to have no more at hand
819 出くわす dekuwasu
to happen to meet, to come across
820 出直し denaoshi
adjustment, touch up
821 伝達 dentatsu
transmission (e.g. news, chemical signals, electricity), communication, delivery, conveyance, transfer, relay, propagation, conduction
822 伝来 denrai
introduction (from abroad)
823 問い合わせる toiawaseru
to enquire, to inquire, to seek information
824 問う tou
to ask, to inquire
825 討議 tougi
debate, discussion
826 登校 toukou
attendance (at school), going to school
827 統合 tougou
integration, unification, unity, combination, consolidation, synthesis
828 倒産 tousan
(corporate) bankruptcy, insolvency, commercial failure, failed business
829 投資 toushi
830 統治 touchi
rule, reign, government, governing
831 統制 tousei
regulation, control
832 当選 tousen
being elected
833 逃走 tousou
flight, desertion, escape
834 統率 tousotsu
command, lead, generalship, leadership
835 到達 toutatsu
reaching, attaining, arrival
836 投入 tounyuu
throwing in, inserting, depositing (e.g. a ballot)
837 逃亡 toubou
escape, flight, running away, elopement, fleeing
838 冬眠 toumin
hibernation, winter sleep, torpor
839 登録 touroku
registration, accession, register, entry, record
840 討論 touron
debate, discussion
841 遠ざかる toozakaru
to go away, to become more distant, to fade away, to die away
842 通りかかる tourikakaru
to happen to pass by
843 とかく tokaku
(doing) various things, (doing) this and that
844 咎める togameru
to blame, to reproach, to censure, to rebuke, to reprove, to find fault, to take to task, to criticize, to criticise
845 途切れる togireru
to break off, to come to an end, to be interrupted, to be cut short, to pause
846 説く toku
to explain, to advocate, to preach, to persuade
847 特産 tokusan
being produced in a particular region, local specialty
848 特集 tokushuu
feature (e.g. newspaper), special edition, report
849 得点 tokuten
scoring, score, points made, marks obtained, goals, runs
850 特派 tokuha
send specially, special envoy