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N1 Verb List

901 なつく natsuku
to become attached (to), to take (to), to become affectionate (with), to be tamed
902 名付ける nazukeru
to name, to call, to christen, to term
903 何も nanimo
(not) anything, (nothing) at all, (not) any, nothing
904 鈍る namaru
to become blunt, to grow dull
905 なめる nameru
to lick, to lap, to suck
906 悩ます nayamasu
to afflict, to torment, to harass, to molest
907 慣らす narasu
to accustom, to train (e.g. one's ear)
908 成り立つ naritatsu
to consist of, to be made up of, to be composed of
909 なんて nante
how ...!, what ...!, what's that?
910 似通う nikayou
to resemble closely
911 賑わう nigiwau
to be crowded with people, to be bustling with
912 にくい nikui
difficult to ..., hard to ...
913 逃げ出す nigedasu
to run away, to flee, to make off, to take to one's heels, to escape
914 にじむ nijimu
to run (of liquid), to spread, to bleed, to blot
915 荷造り nizukuri
packing, baling, crating
916 担う ninau
to carry on one's shoulder, to shoulder, to bear
917 入手 nyuushu
acquisition, obtaining, procurement, getting (hold of)
918 入賞 nyuushou
winning a prize, placing (high; in a contest)
919 入浴 nyuuyoku
bathing, going in the bath
920 認識 ninshiki
recognition, awareness, perception, understanding, knowledge, cognition, cognizance, cognisance
921 妊娠 ninshin
pregnancy, conception, gestation
922 任命 ninmei
appointment, nomination, ordination, commission, designation
923 抜かす nukasu
to omit, to leave out, to skip
924 抜け出す nukedasu
to slip out, to sneak away, to break free, to get through (a difficult situation)
925 寝かせる nekaseru
to put to bed, to let sleep
926 ねじれる nejireru
to get twisted, to get crooked, to get warped
927 妬む netamu
to be jealous of, to envy, to begrudge
928 ねだる nedaru
to beg, to pester, to plead, to coax, to hound, to importune
929 粘る nebaru
to be sticky, to be adhesive
930 値引き nebiki
price reduction, discount
931 根回し nemawashi
laying the groundwork, behind-the-scenes maneuvering, consensus-building process
932 練る neru
to knead, to thicken into a paste (stirring over a flame)
933 燃焼 nenshou
burning, combustion
934 納入 nounyuu
payment (of taxes, fees, etc.)
935 逃す nogasu
to miss (e.g. a chance), to lose, to let get away
936 逃れる nogareru
to escape
937 臨む nozomu
to look out on, to overlook, to front onto
938 乗っ取る nottoru
to take over, to capture, to seize, to commandeer, to occupy, to usurp
939 罵る nonoshiru
to abuse (verbally), to curse at, to shout abuse at, to speak ill of
940 飲み込む nomikomu
to swallow, to gulp down
941 乗り換え norikae
transfer (trains, buses, etc.), change, connection
942 乗り込む norikomu
to board, to embark on, to get into (a car), to man (a ship), to help (someone) into
943 把握 haaku
understanding, grasp
944 廃棄 haiki
disposal, abandonment, scrapping, discarding, abolition
945 配給 haikyuu
distribution (e.g. films, rice)
946 廃止 haishi
abolition, discontinuance, discontinuation, repeal, annulment
947 拝借 haishaku
948 排除 haijo
exclusion, removal, elimination, clearing away, getting rid of
949 排水 haisui
drainage, draining, pumping out (water), sewerage
950 敗戦 haisen
defeat, lost battle, losing a war