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N1 Verb List

1001 判定 hantei
judgement, judgment, decision, ruling, finding, adjudication, verdict, call
1002 反応 hannou
reaction, response
1003 反発 hanpatsu
opposition, rebellion, revolt, resistance, backlash, refusal
1004 反乱 hanran
insurrection, mutiny, rebellion, revolt, uprising
1005 氾濫 hanran
overflowing, flood, inundation, deluge
1006 賠償 baishou
compensation, reparations, indemnity, damages
1007 爆破 bakuha
destructive blast, blowing up, explosion
1008 暴露 bakuro
disclosure, exposure, revelation
1009 化ける bakeru
to take the form of (esp. in ref. to a spirit, fox, raccoon dog, etc.), to assume the shape of, to turn oneself into, to transform oneself into
1010 バテる bateru
to be exhausted, to be worn out
1011 ばらまく baramaku
to scatter, to disseminate (e.g. a rumor), to spread (e.g. germs), to broadcast
1012 控える hikaeru
to be temperate in, to refrain, to abstain, to hold back, to restrain oneself from excessive ...
1013 悲観 hikan
pessimism, (taking a) gloomy view, discouragement, despondency, despair, disappointment
1014 引き上げる hikiageru
to pull up, to drag up, to lift up
1015 率いる hikiiru
to lead, to spearhead (a group), to command (troops)
1016 引き受ける hikiukeru
to take on, to undertake, to accept, to take charge of, to assume responsibility for
1017 引き起こす hikiokosu
to cause, to induce, to bring about, to provoke
1018 引き下げる hikisageru
to pull down, to lower, to reduce, to withdraw
1019 引きずる hikizuru
to drag, to trail, to pull along the ground, to lug
1020 引き取る hikitoru
to take into one's possession, to receive, to accept, to collect, to claim
1021 否決 hiketsu
rejection, negation, voting down
1022 浸す hitasu
to soak, to dip, to steep, to immerse
1023 引っかく hitsukaku
to scratch, to claw
1024 引っ掛ける hikkakeru
to hang (something) on (something), to throw on (clothes)
1025 匹敵 hitteki
to be a match for, to rival, to equal, to compare with, to be equivalent to
1026 非難 hinan
criticism, blame, censure, attack, reproach
1027 避難 hinan
taking refuge, finding shelter, evacuation, escape, seeking safe haven
1028 冷やかす hiyakasu
to banter, to make fun of, to jeer at
1029 日焼け hiyake
sunburn, suntan, tan
1030 ひょっと hyotto
possibly, perhaps, perchance
1031 比例 hirei
1032 疲労 hirou
fatigue, weariness, exhaustion, tiredness
1033 広まる hiromaru
to spread, to be propagated
1034 微笑 bishou
1035 びっくり bikkuri
to be surprised, to be amazed, to be frightened, to be astonished, to get startled, to jump
1036 描写 byousha
depiction, description, portrayal
1037 貧乏 binbou
poverty-stricken, destitute, poor, penurious
1038 封鎖 fuusa
blockade, lockdown, sealing off (an area)
1039 深める fukameru
to deepen, to heighten, to intensify
1040 復旧 fukkyuu
restoration, restitution, rehabilitation
1041 複合 fukugou
composite, combined, complex
1042 覆面 fukumen
mask, veil, disguise
1043 膨れる fukureru
to swell (out), to expand, to be inflated, to distend, to bulge
1044 老ける fukeru
to age, to grow old (esp. in appearance), to show marks of age
1045 布告 fukoku
edict, ordinance, proclamation
1046 負傷 fushou
injury, wound
1047 付属 fuzoku
being attached (to), being affiliated (to), belonging (to), going with
1048 復活 fukkatsu
revival (of an old system, custom, fashion, etc.), restoration, return, comeback
1049 復興 fukkou
revival, reconstruction, restoration, rebuilding, recovery, renaissance
1050 沸騰 futtou
boiling, seething