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N1 Verb List

1151 交わる majiwaru
to cross, to intersect, to join, to meet
1152 またがる matagaru
to straddle, to sit astride, to mount
1153 またぐ matagu
to step over, to step across, to stride over, to stride across, to cross
1154 瞬き matataki
blink (of eyes), wink
1155 間違う machigau
to make a mistake, to be incorrect, to be mistaken
1156 待ち望む machinozomu
to wait eagerly for, to look forward to
1157 免れる manukareru
to escape (disaster, death, etc.), to be saved from, to be rescued from
1158 麻痺 mahi
paralysis, palsy, numbness, stupor
1159 丸々 marumaru
plump, rotund, chubby
1160 丸める marumeru
to make round, to roll up, to curl up
1161 見合い miai
(formal) meeting with a view to marriage, interview with a prospective spouse
1162 見合わせる miawaseru
to exchange glances, to look at each other
1163 見落とす miotosu
to overlook, to fail to notice, to miss (seeing)
1164 見かける mikakeru
to (happen to) see, to notice, to catch sight of
1165 見せびらかす misebirakasu
to show off, to flaunt
1166 満たす mitasu
to satisfy (conditions, one's appetite, etc.), to meet (e.g. demands), to fulfill, to gratify
1167 乱す midasu
to throw into disorder, to disarrange, to disturb (order, peace, etc.), to corrupt (public morals), to dishevel (hair)
1168 乱れる midareru
to be disordered, to be disarranged, to be disarrayed, to be disheveled, to be dishevelled
1169 導く michibiku
to guide, to lead, to show the way, to conduct
1170 密集 misshuu
crowding together, clustering together, close formation, swarm
1171 見逃す minogasu
to miss, to overlook, to fail to notice
1172 見舞い mimai
visiting ill or distressed people, writing get-well letters
1173 見渡す miwatasu
to look out over, to survey (scene), to take an extensive view of
1174 毟る mushiru
to pluck, to pick, to tear
1175 結びつく musubitsuku
to be related, to be connected, to be joined together
1176 結び付ける musubitsukeru
to combine, to join, to tie on, to attach with a knot, to bind (e.g. an address)
1177 無駄遣い mudazukai
waste (of money, time, etc.), squandering, frittering away
1178 群がる muragaru
to swarm, to gather
1179 命中 meichuu
(direct) hit, hitting the mark
1180 恵む megumu
to bless, to show mercy to
1181 目覚める mezameru
to wake up, to awake
1182 召す mesu
to call, to summon, to send for, to invite
1183 滅亡 metsubou
downfall, ruin, collapse, destruction
1184 面会 menkai
meeting (face-to-face), seeing, visit, interview
1185 免除 menjo
exemption, exoneration, discharge
1186 設ける moukeru
to prepare, to provide
1187 申し入れる moushiireru
to propose, to suggest
1188 申し出る moushideru
to offer, to propose, to suggest, to put forward, to request, to ask (for), to apply (for), to report (to), to notify
1189 申し分 moushibun
objection, shortcomings
1190 もがく mogaku
to struggle, to writhe, to wriggle, to squirm
1191 模索 mosaku
groping (for), fumbling around (for), searching (for an answer, solution, etc.), trying to find
1192 もたらす motarasu
to bring (news, knowledge, etc.), to introduce
1193 もたれる motareru
to lean against, to lean on, to recline on
1194 もてなす motenasu
to treat (a guest), to receive, to entertain, to be hospitable to, to make welcome
1195 持てる moteru
to be able to possess (hold, get, etc.)
1196 模倣 mohou
imitation, copying
1197 もめる momeru
to disagree, to dispute, to fight (over)
1198 催す moyoosu
to hold (an event), to give (a dinner, party, etc.)
1199 漏らす morasu
to let leak, to let out (e.g. light)
1200 盛り上がる moriagaru
to swell, to rise, to bulge, to be piled up