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N2 Verb List

451 ならう narau
to imitate, to follow, to copy, to emulate
452 鳴らす narasu
to ring, to sound, to chime, to beat, to snort (nose), to snap (fingers), to crack (joints)
453 なる naru
to bear fruit
454 慣れる nareru
to get used to, to grow accustomed to, to become familiar with
455 煮える nieru
to be boiled, to be cooked
456 匂う niou
to be fragrant, to smell (good)
457 逃がす nigasu
to set free, to let go, to release
458 憎む nikumu
to hate, to detest
459 ニコニコ nikoniko
with a friendly grin, smilingly
460 濁る nigoru
to become muddy, to become cloudy, to become turbid, to become impure (of a liquid or gas)
461 入社 nyuusha
joining a company, getting a job with a company, starting work at a company
462 にらむ niramu
to glare at, to scowl at, to glower at
463 煮る niru
to boil, to simmer, to stew, to seethe
464 縫う nuu
to sew, to stitch
465 濡らす nurasu
to wet, to moisten, to dampen, to soak, to dip
466 ねじる nejiru
to screw, to twist
467 狙う nerau
to aim at (with a weapon, etc.)
468 乗せる noseru
to place on (something)
469 覗く nozoku
to peek (through a keyhole, gap, etc.)
470 伸ばす nobasu
to grow long (e.g. hair, nails)
471 伸びる nobiru
to stretch, to extend, to lengthen, to grow (of hair, height, grass, etc.)
472 上る noboru
to ascend, to go up, to climb
473 乗り換え norikae
transfer (trains, buses, etc.), change, connection
474 載る noru
to be placed on, to be set on, to be piled on, to be loaded on
475 のろのろ noronoro
slowly, sluggishly
476 拝見 haiken
seeing, looking at
477 売買 baibai
trade, buying and selling, trafficking (e.g. of humans, arms, drugs), dealing
478 這う hau
to crawl, to creep, to go on all fours
479 生える haeru
to grow, to spring up, to sprout
480 はがす hagasu
to tear off, to peel off, to rip off, to strip off, to skin, to flay, to disrobe, to deprive of, to detach, to disconnect
481 計る hakaru
to measure, to weigh, to survey, to time (sound, gauge, estimate)
482 はきはき hakihaki
briskly, smartly, promptly, clearly, lucidly
483 掃く haku
to sweep, to brush, to clean
484 挟まる hasamaru
to get between, to be caught in
485 挟む hasamu
to hold between (e.g. one's fingers, chopsticks), to grip (from both sides)
486 外れる hazureru
to be disconnected, to get out of place, to be off, to be out (e.g. of gear)
487 発揮 hakki
show (of power, ability, etc.), exhibition, demonstration, display, manifestation
488 発射 hassha
firing (esp. a rocket or missile), launching, shooting, discharge, catapult
489 発想 hassou
idea, conception
490 発電 hatsuden
generation (e.g. power)
491 発売 hatsubai
sale, offering for sale, release (for sale), launch (product)
492 話し合い hanashiai
discussion, talk, tête-à-tête, conference
493 話しかける hanashikakeru
to address (someone), to accost a person, to talk (to someone)
494 放れる houreru
to get free (from), to be freed, to be released
495 跳ねる haneru
to jump, to leap, to prance, to spring up, to bound, to hop
496 歯磨き hamigaki
dental brushing, brushing one's teeth
497 はめる hameru
to fit (e.g. a pane into a frame), to insert (e.g. a cork), to fasten (a button)
498 流行る hayaru
to be popular, to come into fashion
499 払い込む haraikomu
to deposit, to pay in
500 払い戻す haraimodosu
to repay, to pay back, to refund, to reimburse