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N2 Verb List

601 めぐる meguru
to go around, to make a circle around
602 目指す mezasu
to aim at (for, to do, to become), to try for, to have an eye on
603 目立つ medatsu
to be conspicuous, to stand out
604 免税 menzei
tax exemption, duty exemption
605 面接 mensetsu
interview (e.g. for a job)
606 儲かる moukaru
to be profitable, to yield a profit
607 儲ける moukeru
to profit, to get, to earn, to gain
608 潜る moguru
to dive (into or under water)
609 もたれる motareru
to lean against, to lean on, to recline on
610 物語る monogataru
to tell (a story), to give an account of (an event, experience, etc.), to relate, to recount
611 もむ momu
to rub, to crumple
612 燃やす moyasu
to burn
613 盛る moru
to serve (in a bowl, on a plate, etc.), to dish out, to dish up, to fill (a bowl) with
614 問答 mondou
questions and answers, dialogue
615 訳す yakusu
to translate, to interpret
616 やけど yakedo
burn, scald
617 夜行 yakou
walking around at night, night travel
618 やっつける yattsukeru
to beat, to attack (an enemy), to do away with, to finish off
619 破く haku
to tear, to rip
620 破れる yabureru
to get torn, to tear, to rip, to break, to wear out
621 郵送 yuusou
mailing, posting
622 輸血 yuketsu
blood transfusion
623 輸送 yusou
transport, transportation
624 油断 yudan
negligence, carelessness, inattention, unpreparedness
625 茹でる yuderu
to boil (something in hot water)
626 よこす yokosu
to send, to forward
627 汚す yogosu
to pollute, to contaminate, to soil, to make dirty, to stain
628 寄せる yoseru
to come near, to let someone approach
629 呼びかける yobikakeru
to call out to, to hail, to address
630 呼び出す yobidasu
to summon, to call (e.g. phone), to convene, to decoy, to lure
631 蘇る yomigaeru
to be resurrected, to be resuscitated, to be rehabilitated, to be revived, to be refreshed, to be restored
632 よる yoru
to be due to, to be caused by
633 喜ぶ yorokobu
to be delighted, to be glad, to be pleased
634 来日 rainichi
arrival in Japan, coming to Japan, visit to Japan
635 落第 rakudai
failure (in an examination), failing to advance (to the next year)
636 乱暴 ranbou
violence, assault, rowdiness, wildness, running riot
637 略す ryakusu
to abbreviate, to omit
638 領収 ryoushuu
receipt (of money), receiving
639 留守番 rusuban
care-taking, house-sitting, house-watching, staying at home
640 冷凍 reitou
freezing, cold storage, refrigeration
641 レポート repooto
report, paper
642 連合 rengou
union, combination, alliance, confederation, coalition
643 録音 rokuon
(audio) recording
644 論ずる ronzuru
to discuss, to talk about, to deal with (a topic)
645 わかる wakaru
to understand, to comprehend, to grasp, to see, to get, to follow
646 分かれる wakareru
to branch, to fork, to diverge
647 湧く waku
to well (up), to gush out (of water), to spring out, to surge
648 詫びる wabiru
to apologize, to apologise, to make an apology
649 割り算 warizan