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N1 Adverb List

51 かつ katsu
and, moreover, besides, as well as, and on top of that, at the same time
52 かつて katsute
once, before, formerly, ever, former, ex-
53 かなり kanari
considerably, fairly, quite, rather, pretty
54 かねて kanete
previously, already, for some time, for quite a while
55 かろうじて karoujite
barely, narrowly, only just, with difficulty
56 代わる代わる kawarukawaru
alternately, by turns
57 概略 gairyaku
outline, summary, gist, in brief
58 がっくり gakkuri
heartbroken, crestfallen, dejected, disappointed
59 がっしり gasshiri
firmly, solidly, sturdily, strongly, toughly
60 がっちり gatchiri
solid, robust, well-built
61 元来 ganrai
originally, essentially, naturally, by nature, really, actually
62 きちっと kichitto
exactly, perfectly
63 きっかり kikkari
exactly, just, precisely
64 きっちり kitchiri
exactly, precisely, punctually, on the dot
65 きっと kitto
surely, undoubtedly, almost certainly, most likely (e.g. 90 percent)
66 きっぱり kippari
clearly, plainly, distinctly, decisively, flatly, definitely, resolutely
67 極めて kiwamete
exceedingly, extremely, decisively
68 近々 chikajika
soon, before long, shortly, in the near future
69 種々 shushu
various, a variety of, all kinds of, many, diverse
70 くっきり kukkiri
distinctly (standing out), clearly, in sharp relief, boldly
71 くれぐれも kureguremo
sincerely, earnestly, wholeheartedly
72 ぐっと gutto
suddenly, at once, in one go, with a jerk, with a gulp
73 げっそり gessori
to be disheartened, to be dejected, to be discouraged, to be disappointed
74 公然 kouzen
open, public, official, overt
75 ことごとく kotogotoku
altogether, entirely
76 殊に kotoni
especially, particularly, unusually, above all
77 この間 konokan
the other day, lately, recently, during this period
78 この頃 konogoro
these days, nowadays, now, at present, recently, lately
79 ごと goto
each, every
80 一昨昨日 sakiototoi
two days before yesterday, three days back (ago)
81 先に sakini
previously, before, earlier, formerly, recently
82 さぞ sazo
surely, certainly, no doubt, must
83 さっと satto
quickly (esp. actions)
84 さほど sahodo
(not) so, (not) particularly, (not) very, (not) that much
85 さも samo
really (seem, appear, etc.), truly, evidently
86 産後 sango
postpartum, after childbirth
87 明々後日 shiasatte
in three days' time, two days after tomorrow
88 強いて shiite
by force
89 しかしながら shikashinagara
however, nevertheless
90 しきりに shikirini
frequently, repeatedly, often, incessantly, constantly
91 しっかり shikkari
tightly (holding on), firmly, securely
92 しばしば shibashiba
often, again and again, frequently, repeatedly
93 しばらく shibaraku
for a moment, for a minute
94 しみじみ shimijimi
keenly, deeply, fully, heartily, seriously, earnestly
95 終日 shuujitsu
all day, for a whole day
96 少数 shousuu
small number, few, minority
97 ところどころ tokorodokoro
here and there, in places
98 しょっちゅう shotchuu
always, all the time, constantly, frequently, often
99 じっくり jikkuri
deliberately, carefully, thoroughly, without rushing
100 従来 juurai
up to now, so far