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N2 Adverb List

51 深夜 shinya
late at night
52 水曜 suiyou
53 ずっと zutto
continuously, the whole time, all the way, throughout
54 少なくとも sukunakutomo
at least
55 すっきり sukkiri
refreshingly, with a feeling of relief, pleasantly, (a weight) off one's shoulder
56 ずらり zurari
in a row, in a line
57 せっかく sekkaku
with trouble, at great pains
58 せっせと sesseto
diligently, assiduously, industriously, beavering away
59 是非とも zehitomo
by all means, at all costs, absolutely
60 先々月 sensengetsu
month before last
61 先々週 sensenshuu
week before last
62 そっと sotto
softly, gently, quietly, lightly
63 続々 zokuzoku
successively, one after another
64 その上 sonoue
in addition, furthermore
65 たいして taishite
(not so) much, (not) very
66 たいそう taisou
very, extremely, exceedingly, greatly, terribly
67 だいぶ daibu
considerably, greatly, a lot
68 絶えず taezu
constantly, always, continually, steadily
69 たちまち tachimachi
in an instant, in a moment, immediately, right away, at once
70 近々 chikajika
soon, before long, shortly, in the near future
71 着々 chakuchaku
72 中旬 chuujun
middle of a month, second third of a month, 11th to 20th day of a month
73 直後 chokugo
immediately following
74 直前 chokuzen
just before, just prior to
75 点々 tenten
here and there, little by little, sporadically, scattered in drops
76 転々 tenten
moving from place to place, being passed around repeatedly
77 当日 toujitsu
day in question, appointed day, that very day, the day (of issue, publication, etc.)
78 どうせ douse
anyhow, in any case, at any rate, after all, at all, no matter what
79 ドキドキ dokidoki
thump-thump, bang-bang, pit-a-pat, pitapat, pitter-patter
80 ところどころ tokorodokoro
here and there, in places
81 とっくに tokkuni
long ago, a long time ago, already
82 どっと dotto
bursting out (laughter), breaking out (applause), roaring, whooping
83 ともかく tomokaku
anyhow, anyway, somehow or other, generally speaking, in any case, be that as it may
84 何しろ nanishiro
at any rate, anyhow, anyway, in any case, because, as you know, for you see
85 なんとなく nantonaku
somehow or other, for some reason or another, without knowing why
86 何とも nantomo
really, very, extremely, terribly, awfully
87 ニコニコ nikoniko
with a friendly grin, smilingly
88 残らず nokorazu
all, entirely, completely, without exception
89 のろのろ noronoro
slowly, sluggishly
90 はきはき hakihaki
briskly, smartly, promptly, clearly, lucidly
91 果たして hatashite
as was expected, just as one thought, sure enough
92 比較的 hikakuteki
comparatively, relatively
93 ピカピカ pikapika
with a glitter, with a sparkle
94 ぴったり pittari
tightly, closely
95 一通り hitotoori
generally, in the main, briefly (look over, explain, etc.), roughly, more or less
96 ひとまず hitomazu
for now, for the time being, for the present
97 ひとりでに hitorideni
by itself, automatically, naturally
98 広々 hirobiro
extensive, spacious
99 ぶつぶつ butsubutsu
grunt, grumble, complaint, mutter
100 ふわふわ fuwafuwa
lightly (floating, drifting, etc.), buoyantly