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N4 Adverb List

1 明日 ashita
2 以外 igai
with the exception of, excepting, excluding
3 一度 ichido
once, one time, on one occasion
4 一生懸命 isshoukenmei
very hard, with utmost effort, as hard as one can, with all one's might, for dear life, eagerly, desperately
5 以内 inai
within, inside of, less than
6 必ず kanarazu
always, without exception, necessarily, certainly, without fail, positively, invariably
7 きっと kitto
surely, undoubtedly, almost certainly, most likely (e.g. 90 percent)
8 決して kesshite
(not) ever, (not) by any means, (not) in the least, (not) in any way, (not) at all
9 この間 konokan
the other day, lately, recently, during this period
10 この頃 konogoro
these days, nowadays, now, at present, recently, lately
11 これから korekara
from now on, after this, in the future, in future
12 今度 kondo
this time, now
13 今夜 konya
this evening, tonight
14 最近 saikin
recently, lately, these days, nowadays, right now
15 最初 saisho
beginning, outset, first, onset
16 再来月 saraigetsu
month after next
17 再来週 saraishuu
week after next
18 しっかり shikkari
tightly (holding on), firmly, securely
19 しばらく shibaraku
for a moment, for a minute
20 将来 shourai
future, (future) prospects
21 ずいぶん zuibun
very, extremely, surprisingly, considerably, awfully, terribly
22 すっかり sukkari
all, completely, totally, entirely, thoroughly
23 すっと sutto
straight, quickly, directly, all of a sudden
24 是非 zehi
certainly, without fail
25 それほど sorehodo
to that degree, to that extent, that much
26 そろそろ sorosoro
soon, before long, any time now, momentarily
27 そんなに sonnani
so much, like that
28 だいたい daitai
generally, on the whole, mostly, almost, nearly, approximately, roughly, about
29 だいぶ daibu
considerably, greatly, a lot
30 例えば tatoeba
for example, for instance, e.g.
31 たまに tamani
occasionally, once in a while, now and then, rarely, seldom
32 ため tame
good, advantage, benefit, welfare
33 ちっとも chittomo
(not) at all, (not) a bit, (not) in the least, (not) in the slightest
34 都合 tsugou
circumstances, condition, convenience
35 できるだけ dekirudake
as much as one can, as much as possible, if at all possible
36 遠く tooku
far away, distant place, a (great) distance, a long way off, afar
37 特に tokuni
particularly, especially, in particular, expressly
38 特別 tokubetsu
special, particular, extraordinary, exceptional, especial
39 途中 tochuu
on the way, en route
40 どんどん dondon
drumming (noise), beating, pounding, banging, booming, stamping
41 なかなか nakanaka
very, considerably, easily, readily, fairly, quite, highly, rather
42 なるべく narubeku
as (much) as possible, as (much) as one can, wherever practicable, if possible
43 なるほど naruhodo
I see, that's right, indeed
44 場合 baai
case, situation
45 はっきり hakkiri
clearly, plainly, distinctly
46 非常に hijouni
very, extremely, exceedingly
47 昼間 hiruma
daytime, during the day, time from sunrise until sunset, diurnal period
48 昼休み hiruyasumi
lunch break, noon recess, noon rest period
49 ほとんど hotondo
almost, nearly, mostly, practically, virtually, basically, just about, all but
50 みんな minna
everyone, everybody, all