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N5 Adverb List

1 aki
autumn, fall
2 asa
3 明後日 myougonichi
day after tomorrow
4 明日 ashita
5 どう dou
how, in what way, how about
6 いくつ ikutsu
how many
7 いくら ikura
how much
8 一日 tsuitachi
one day
9 一緒 issho
10 いつも itsumo
always, all the time, at all times
11 ima
now, the present time, just now, soon, immediately
12 いろいろ iroiro
various, all sorts of, variety of
13 一昨日 issakujitsu
day before yesterday
14 一昨年 issakunen
year before last
15 火曜日 kayoubi
16 昨日 kinou
17 今日 kyou
today, this day
18 去年 kyonen
last year
19 金曜日 kinyoubi
20 今朝 kesa
this morning
21 月曜日 getsuyoubi
22 午後 gogo
afternoon, p.m.
23 午前 gozen
morning, a.m.
24 今年 konnen
this year
25 今月 kongetsu
this month
26 今週 konshuu
this week
27 今晩 konban
tonight, this evening
28 再来年 sarainen
year after next
29 水曜日 suiyoubi
30 すぐに suguni
immediately, right away, at once, instantly
31 少し sukoshi
a little, a bit, a small amount, a few, some, slightly, somewhat
32 先月 sengetsu
last month
33 先週 senshuu
last week, the week before
34 全部 zenbu
all, entire, whole, altogether
35 たくさん takusan
a lot, lots, plenty, many, a large number, much, a great deal, a good deal
36 近く chikaku
near, neighbourhood, neighborhood, vicinity
37 ちょっと chotto
a little, a bit, slightly
38 どうして doushite
how, in what way, by what means
39 どうぞ douzo
please, kindly, pray, I beg (of you)
40 時々 tokidoki
sometimes, occasionally, at times, from time to time, now and then, once in a while, at intervals
41 ところ tokoro
place, spot, scene, site
42 nen
43 とても totemo
very, awfully, exceedingly
44 土曜日 doyoubi
45 なぜ naze
why, how
46 natsu
47 日曜日 nichiyoubi
48 初めて hajimete
for the first time
49 haru
spring, springtime
50 ban
evening, night