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N1 Adverb List

151 ともかく tomokaku
anyhow, anyway, somehow or other, generally speaking, in any case, be that as it may
152 とりあえず toriaezu
first of all, at once, right away
153 とりわけ toriwake
especially, above all
154 どうして doushite
how, in what way, by what means
155 どうしても doushitemo
by all means, at any cost, no matter what, at any rate, surely
156 堂々 doudou
magnificent, grand, impressive, dignified, majestic, imposing, stately
157 どうにか dounika
in some way or other, one way or another, somehow, only just, barely
158 どうやら douyara
possibly, apparently, (seem) likely, seemingly
159 どこか dokoka
160 なお nao
still, yet
161 なおさら naosara
still more, even more, all the more
162 長々 naganaga
for a long time, at (great) length, lengthily, long-windedly, tediously
163 なぜ naze
why, how
164 何しろ nanishiro
at any rate, anyhow, anyway, in any case, because, as you know, for you see
165 何卒 nanitozo
please, kindly, I beg of you, if it pleases you
166 何より naniyori
above anything else, above all, more than anything
167 なるたけ narutake
as (much) as possible, as (much) as one can, wherever practicable, if possible
168 なるべく narubeku
as (much) as possible, as (much) as one can, wherever practicable, if possible
169 なんだか nandaka
(a) little, somewhat, somehow
170 なんだかんだ nandakanda
something or other, one thing or another, this or that
171 なんて nante
how ...!, what ...!, what's that?
172 なんと nanto
what, how
173 なんとなく nantonaku
somehow or other, for some reason or another, without knowing why
174 何とも nantomo
really, very, extremely, terribly, awfully
175 何なり naninari
anything, whatever
176 日夜 nichiya
day and night, around the clock, always, constantly
177 はじめ hajime
beginning, start, outset, opening
178 果たして hatashite
as was expected, just as one thought, sure enough
179 はなはだ hanahada
very, greatly, exceedingly
180 はるか haruka
far away, far off, distant, in the distance
181 漠然 bakuzen
vague, obscure, indistinct, hazy, ambiguous
182 man
completely, absolutely, totally
183 ひいては hiiteha
by extension, in turn, by the same token, in addition, as well, consequently
184 日ごろ nichigoro
normally, habitually
185 ひたすら hitasura
intently, single-mindedly, devotedly, solely, earnestly, with all one's heart
186 ひところ hitokoro
once, some time ago
187 ひとまず hitomazu
for now, for the time being, for the present
188 ひとりでに hitorideni
by itself, automatically, naturally
189 ひょっと hyotto
possibly, perhaps, perchance
190 びっくり bikkuri
to be surprised, to be amazed, to be frightened, to be astonished, to get startled, to jump
191 びっしょり bisshori
wet through, drenched
192 ふと futo
suddenly, casually, accidentally, incidentally, unexpectedly, unintentionally
193 ぶかぶか bukabuka
too large (clothing), baggy, loose-fitting
194 ぶらぶら burabura
dangling, swaying, swinging
195 ほっと hotto
with a feeling of relief, with a sigh of relief
196 あたり atari
(in the) neighbourhood, neighborhood, vicinity, nearby, surroundings
197 ほとんど hotondo
almost, nearly, mostly, practically, virtually, basically, just about, all but
198 呆然 bouzen
dumbfounded, overcome with surprise, in blank amazement, in a daze
199 前もって maemotte
in advance, beforehand, previously
200 makoto
truth, reality