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N2 Verb List

1 あう au
to meet, to encounter, to see
2 扇ぐ ougigu
to fan
3 呆れる akireru
to be amazed, to be shocked, to be astonished, to be astounded, to be disgusted, to be exasperated, to be fed up
4 あげる ageru
to raise, to elevate
5 憧れる akogareru
to long for, to yearn after, to admire, to be attracted by
6 味わう ajiwau
to taste, to savor, to savour, to relish
7 預かる azukaru
to look after, to take care of, to keep, to hold on to, to keep in custody
8 温まる atatamaru
to warm oneself, to sun oneself, to warm up, to get warm
9 温める atatameru
to warm (up), to heat (up)
10 あちこち achikochi
here and there, various places, all around, all over, everywhere, throughout
11 圧縮 asshuku
12 あてはまる atehamaru
to apply (of a rule), to be applicable (of standards, lessons, ideas, etc.), to hold true (e.g. of a description), to fit, to be suitable (e.g. of a word), to meet (requirements), to fulfill (conditions), to come under (a heading)
13 当てはめる atehameru
to apply, to adapt
14 暴れる abareru
to act violently, to rage, to struggle, to be riotous
15 あぶる aburu
to warm (e.g. one's hands over a fire), to dry
16 あふれる afureru
to overflow, to brim over, to flood
17 甘やかす amayakasu
to pamper, to spoil
18 余る amaru
to remain, to be left over, to be in excess, to be too many
19 編む amu
to knit, to plait, to braid
20 争う arasou
to compete, to contest, to contend
21 改める aratameru
to change, to alter, to revise, to replace
22 著す shirusu
to write, to publish
23 ある aru
to be, to exist, to live
24 慌てる awateru
to become confused (disconcerted, disorganized, disorganised), to be flustered, to panic
25 言い出す iidasu
to begin to say, to start talking, to broach (a matter), to bring up, to come out with
26 言いつける iitsukeru
to tell (to do), to order, to charge, to direct
27 生き生き ikiiki
in a lively way, vividly, freshly, animatedly, actively, energetically
28 育児 ikuji
childcare, child-rearing, nursing, upbringing
29 意地悪 ijiwaru
malicious, ill-tempered, unkind
30 一定 ittei
fixed, settled, constant, definite, uniform, regularized, regularised, defined, standardized, standardised, certain, prescribed
31 移転 iten
moving, relocation, change of address
32 威張る ibaru
to put on airs, to act big, to throw one's weight about, to be overbearing, to be domineering, to be bossy, to be pushy, to be proud, to be haughty, to be arrogant, to swagger, to boast, to brag
33 嫌がる iyagaru
to appear uncomfortable (with), to seem to hate, to express dislike
34 炒る iru
to roast, to parch, to toast, to boil down
35 インタビュー intabyuu
interview (i.e. television, newspaper, etc.)
36 飢える ueru
to starve, to be famished, to be hungry
37 浮かぶ ukabu
to float, to be suspended
38 浮かべる ukaberu
to float, to set afloat, to launch
39 浮く uku
to float
40 承る uketamawaru
to hear, to be told, to know
41 受け持つ ukemotsu
to take (be in) charge of
42 薄める usumeru
to dilute, to water down
43 打ち合わせ uchiawase
advance arrangements, preparatory meeting, briefing session
44 打ち消す uchikesu
to deny, to contradict
45 撃つ utsu
to shoot, to fire
46 うっかり ukkari
carelessly, thoughtlessly, inadvertently
47 映す utsusu
to project, to reflect, to cast (shadow)
48 写る utsuru
to be photographed, to be projected
49 映る utsuru
to be reflected, to harmonize with (harmonise), to come out (photo), to be projected, to be displayed (on a screen)
50 埋める umeru
to bury (e.g. in the ground)