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N2 Verb List

51 敬う uyamau
to show respect for, to revere, to honour, to honor, to worship, to hold in esteem
52 裏返す urakaesu
to turn inside out, to turn the other way, to turn (something) over
53 占う senu
to tell someone's fortune, to forecast, to predict, to divine
54 恨む uramu
to bear a grudge against, to resent, to blame, to curse, to feel bitter towards
55 羨む urayamu
to envy, to be envious of, to be jealous of
56 売り切れる urikireru
to be sold out
57 遠足 ensoku
school trip, field trip, excursion, outing
58 延長 enchou
extension, elongation, prolongation, lengthening
59 追いかける oikakeru
to chase, to run after, to pursue
60 追い越す oikosu
to pass (e.g. car), to overtake
61 応援 ouen
aid, assistance, help, support, reinforcement
62 応ずる ouzuru
to answer, to respond, to meet
63 応接 ousetsu
reception (e.g. of visitors), dealing with
64 応対 outai
dealing with (people, customers, complaints, etc.), receiving (callers, visitors, etc.), attending to, handling, serving
65 往復 oufuku
making a round trip, going and returning, coming and going
66 応用 ouyou
(practical) application, putting to practical use
67 拝む ogamu
to assume the posture of praying, to press the palms and fingers of both hands together, to do reverence (e.g. before a statue of the Buddha), to pay one's respects
68 おかわり okawari
another helping, second helping, seconds, refill
69 補う oginau
to supplement, to make up for, to compensate for, to cover (a shortage, loss, etc.), to fill (e.g. a vacancy)
70 怠る okotaru
to neglect, to be negligent in, to be neglectful of, to fail to do, to leave undone, to avoid (doing), to shirk, to be unmindful of
71 押さえる osaeru
to pin down, to hold down, to press down, to hold in place, to hold steady
72 収める osameru
to pay (fees, taxes, etc.), to dedicate, to make an offering
73 治める osameru
to govern, to manage
74 お辞儀 ojigi
bow, bowing
75 教わる osowaru
to be taught, to learn, to take lessons in
76 落ち着く ochitsuku
to calm down, to compose oneself, to regain presence of mind, to settle down, to die down, to become stable, to abate
77 脅かす kyoukasu
to threaten, to menace, to intimidate
78 驚かす odorokasu
to surprise, to frighten, to create a stir
79 お参り omairi
visit (to a shrine, grave, etc.), worship
80 思い込む omoikomu
to be convinced (that), to be under the impression (that), to feel sure (that), to assume (that)
81 思いつく omoitsuku
to think of, to hit upon, to come into one's mind, to be struck with an idea
82 卸す orosu
to sell wholesale
83 カーブ kaabu
curve, turn, bend
84 開会 kaikai
opening of a meeting
85 改札 kaisatsu
examination of tickets
86 解散 kaisan
breaking up (a meeting, gathering, etc.), dispersal (e.g. of a crowd)
87 改正 kaisei
revision, amendment, alteration
88 解説 kaisetsu
explanation, commentary, exposition, elucidation
89 改造 kaizou
remodeling, remodelling, reconstruction, conversion, alteration, renovation, modification, reshuffling (e.g. a cabinet), reorganization, restructuring
90 開通 kaitsuu
opening (of a new road, railway, etc.), going into operation (e.g. telephone communication), beginning services
91 回転 kaiten
rotation, revolution, turn, spin
92 解答 kaitou
answer, solution
93 回答 kaitou
reply, answer
94 解放 kaihou
release, unleashing, liberation, emancipation, setting free
95 開放 kaihou
opening (a door, window, etc.), leaving open
96 概論 gairon
introduction, outline, general remarks
97 帰す kaesu
to send (someone) back, to send (someone) home
98 換える kaeru
to replace
99 返る kaeru
to return, to come back, to go back
100 関わる kakawaru
to be affected, to be influenced