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N2 Verb List

101 かく kaku
to scratch
102 嗅ぐ kagu
to sniff, to smell
103 拡充 kakujuu
104 拡張 kakuchou
expansion, extension, enlargement
105 可決 kaketsu
approval, adoption (of a motion, bill, etc.), passage
106 下降 kakou
descent, fall, drop, decline, downturn, subsidence
107 重なる omonaru
to be piled up, to lie on top of one another
108 重ねる kasaneru
to pile up, to heap up, to stack up, to put on top of another
109 貸出 taishutsu
lending, loaning
110 かじる kajiru
to gnaw, to nibble, to bite, to munch, to crunch
111 課税 kazei
112 加速 kasoku
acceleration, speeding up
113 片付く katazuku
to be put in order, to be put to rights
114 固まる katamaru
to harden, to solidify
115 傾く katamuku
to incline toward, to slant, to lurch, to heel over, to be disposed to, to trend toward, to be prone to
116 偏る katayoru
to lean (to one side), to incline
117 担ぐ katsugu
to shoulder, to carry on one's shoulder
118 かっこ kakko
brackets, parentheses
119 活躍 katsuyaku
activity (esp. energetic or successful), great efforts, active participation
120 仮定 katei
assumption, supposition, hypothesis
121 加熱 kanetsu
heating, application of heat
122 かねる kaneru
to be unable to, to find difficult (unpleasant, awkward, painful) to do
123 カバー kabaa
cover, covering, dust jacket
124 かぶせる kabuseru
to cover (with something), to put on (e.g. on someone else's head), to plate something (with a metal), to pour or dash a liquid (on something), to charge (a person with a guilt)
125 からかう karakau
to tease, to make fun of, to poke fun at, to make a crack about, to chaff, to kid, to joke, to banter, to pull someone's leg
126 枯れる kareru
to wither (of a plant), to be blasted, to die
127 可愛がる kawaigaru
to be affectionate to, to treat tenderly, to dote on, to show one's love (for), to cherish
128 乾かす kawakasu
to dry (clothes, etc.), to desiccate
129 渇く kawaku
to be thirsty, to feel thirsty
130 替わる kawaru
to succeed, to relieve, to replace
131 換気 kanki
132 感激 kangeki
deep emotion, impression, inspiration
133 鑑賞 kanshou
appreciation (of art, music, poetry, etc.)
134 感ずる kanzuru
to feel, to sense
135 乾燥 kansou
dryness, aridity, drying (e.g. clothes), dehydration, desiccation
136 観測 kansoku
observation, survey, measurement
137 勘違い kanchigai
misunderstanding, mistaken idea, wrong guess
138 看病 kanbyou
nursing (a patient)
139 着替え kigae
changing clothes, change of clothes
140 刻む kizamu
to mince, to cut fine, to chop up, to hash, to shred
141 起床 kishou
rising (from one's bed), getting up, getting out of bed
142 着せる kiseru
to put clothes on (someone), to dress, to clothe
143 休業 kyuugyou
suspension of business, temporary closure (of a store, school, etc.), shutdown, holiday
144 休講 kyuukou
cancellation (of a lecture, class, etc.)
145 休息 kyuusoku
rest, relief, relaxation
146 休養 kyuuyou
rest, relaxation, recreation, recuperation, convalescence
147 強化 kyouka
strengthening, intensifying, reinforcement, enhancement, solidification
148 恐縮 kyoushuku
feeling (much) obliged, being (very) grateful, being thankful
149 教養 kyouyou
cultivation, refinement, culture, education
150 行列 gyouretsu
line, queue, procession, parade