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N1 Verb List

551 審判 shinpan
judgement, judgment, decision, verdict, sentence
552 辛抱 shinbou
patience, endurance, perseverance
553 侵略 shinryaku
invasion (e.g. of a country), raid, aggression
554 診療 shinryou
diagnosis and treatment, medical care
555 自覚 jikaku
self-consciousness, self-awareness
556 自主 jishu
independence, autonomy, self-reliance
557 自首 jishu
surrender (to the authorities), giving oneself up, turning oneself in
558 辞職 jishoku
559 自信 jishin
self-confidence, confidence (in oneself)
560 持続 jizoku
continuation, persisting, lasting, sustaining, enduring
561 辞退 jitai
declining, refusal, nonacceptance, turning down, withdrawal (e.g. of candidacy), pulling out (e.g. of a race), excusing oneself
562 実践 jissen
practice, putting into practice, implementation
563 自転 jiten
rotation (on an axis)
564 じゃんけん janken
rock-paper-scissors (game), janken
565 従事 juuji
engaging in (work), pursuing (e.g. studies), following (a profession), being involved in
566 充実 juujitsu
fullness, completeness, perfection, substantiality
567 重複 choufuku
duplication, repetition, overlapping, redundancy, restoration
568 樹立 juritsu
establishment, founding, setting (a record)
569 準じる junjiru
to follow (a rule, precedent, etc.), to conform to (the law, standards, etc.), to be based on, to apply correspondingly
570 準ずる junzuru
to follow (a rule, precedent, etc.), to conform to (the law, standards, etc.), to be based on, to apply correspondingly
571 上演 jouen
performance (of a play, opera, etc.), staging, presentation
572 上昇 joushou
rising, ascending, climbing
573 譲歩 jouho
concession, conciliation, compromise
574 上陸 jouriku
landing, going ashore, disembarkation
575 蒸留 jouryuu
576 除外 jogai
exception, exclusion
577 助言 jogen
advice, counsel, suggestion, tip, hint
578 徐行 jokou
going slowly (of a car, train, etc.)
579 自立 jiritsu
independence, self-reliance
580 推進 suishin
propulsion, drive
581 水洗 suisen
washing with water, rinsing, flushing
582 吹奏 suisou
playing (a wind instrument), blowing
583 推測 suisoku
guess, conjecture
584 推理 suiri
reasoning, inference, deduction
585 崇拝 suuhai
worship, adoration, admiration, cult
586 据え付ける suetsukeru
to install, to equip, to mount
587 据える sueru
to place (in position), to fix, to set (e.g. table), to lay (foundation)
588 すくう sukuu
to scoop, to ladle out
589 すすぐ susugu
to rinse, to wash out
590 勧め susume
recommendation, advice, suggestion, encouragement
591 廃れる sutareru
to go out of use, to become obsolete, to die out, to go out of fashion, to go out of style
592 済ます sumasu
to finish, to get it over with, to conclude
593 澄ます sumasu
to clear, to make clear
594 剃る soru
to shave
595 すれ違う surechigau
to pass (by) each other, to brush past
596 擦れる sureru
to rub, to chafe
597 すんなり sunnari
slim, slender, lithe, supple
598 ずれる zureru
to slide, to slip off, to get dislocated, to be out of alignment, to get dislodged, to deviate, to shift (position), to be out of sync, to be slightly off, to be off-point
599 生育 seiiku
birth and growth, giving birth and raising, development, breeding
600 正解 seikai
correct answer, right solution, correct interpretation