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N1 Verb List

601 制裁 seisai
sanctions, punishment
602 清算 seisan
(financial) settlement, squaring accounts, clearing debts
603 静止 seishi
stillness, repose, standing still
604 成熟 seijuku
maturity, ripeness
605 盛装 seisou
dressing up in fine clothes, splendid clothes, one's best clothes
606 制定 seitei
enactment, establishment, creation
607 製鉄 seitetsu
iron manufacture
608 征服 seifuku
conquest, subjugation
609 声明 seimei
declaration, statement, proclamation
610 制約 seiyaku
limitation, restriction, condition, constraints
611 整列 seiretsu
standing in a row, forming a line, alignment
612 急かす sekasu
to hurry (up), to urge on, to press, to rush
613 切開 sekkai
incision, operation, section
614 接触 sesshoku
touch, contact, touching
615 設置 setchi
establishment, institution
616 折衷 setchuu
compromise, cross, blending, eclecticism
617 設定 settei
establishment, creation, posing (a problem), setting (movie, novel, etc.), scene
618 説得 settoku
619 設立 setsuritsu
establishment, founding
620 選挙 senkyo
621 宣教 senkyou
religious mission, religious proclamation
622 宣言 sengen
declaration, proclamation, announcement
623 先行 senkou
going ahead, going first
624 選考 senkou
selection, screening
625 専修 senshuu
specialization, specialisation
626 潜水 sensui
diving, submerging, going underwater
627 先着 senchaku
arriving first
628 戦闘 sentou
battle, fight, combat
629 潜入 sennyuu
infiltration, sneaking in, going undercover
630 専用 senyou
(one's) exclusive use, private use, personal use
631 占領 senryou
occupying, having (an area) all to oneself
632 是正 zesei
correction, revision, redressing, rectifying
633 絶望 zetsubou
despair, hopelessness
634 全快 zenkai
complete recovery of health
635 全滅 zenmetsu
annihilation, total destruction, complete destruction, crushing defeat
636 沿う sou
to run along, to run beside, to stick to (a line)
637 添う sou
to meet (wishes, expectations, etc.), to satisfy, to comply with, to live up to
638 相応 souou
suitable, appropriate, befitting, becoming, adequate, reasonable, proper
639 創刊 soukan
foundation (of a newspaper, magazine, etc.), starting, launching, first publication
640 送金 soukin
remittance, sending money
641 走行 soukou
running (of a car, bus, etc.), traveling, travelling
642 総合 sougou
synthesis, combination, integration, putting together, colligation
643 捜査 sousa
search (esp. in criminal investigations), investigation, inquiry, enquiry
644 捜索 sousaku
search (esp. for someone or something missing), manhunt
645 装飾 soushoku
ornament, decoration
646 操縦 soujuu
steering, piloting, flying, control, operation, handling
647 創造 souzou
648 騒動 soudou
strife, riot, rebellion, turmoil
649 遭難 sounan
disaster, accident, shipwreck, distress
650 装備 soubi