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N2 Verb List

201 こしらえる koshiraeru
to make, to manufacture
202 越す kosu
to cross over (e.g. mountain), to go across
203 こする kosuru
to rub, to scrub, to scrape
204 ご馳走 gochisou
treat (esp. food and drink), entertainment, treating someone (to a meal), taking someone to dinner
205 言付ける kotozukeru
to have someone send (a message, parcel, etc.), to send (via someone else), to leave (a message) with someone
206 言葉遣い kotobazukai
speech, expression, wording, language
207 ご無沙汰 gobusata
not writing or contacting for a while, neglecting (failing) to write (call, visit, etc.), long silence
208 こぼす kobosu
to spill, to drop, to shed (tears)
209 こらえる koraeru
to bear, to stand, to endure, to put up with
210 娯楽 goraku
amusement, entertainment, recreation, pleasure, pastime, hobby
211 ごらん goran
(please) try to
212 コレクション korekushon
collection (of art, stamps, etc.), collecting
213 転がす korogasu
to roll, to wheel, to trundle, to drive (a car)
214 転がる korogaru
to roll, to tumble
215 混合 kongou
mixing, mixture, meld
216 在学 zaigaku
attending (school, college, etc.), being enrolled, being a student
217 催促 saisoku
pressing, urging, demanding, demand
218 採点 saiten
marking, grading, scoring
219 裁縫 saihou
sewing, needlework
220 探す sagasu
to search for, to look for, to hunt for, to seek
221 さかのぼる sakanoboru
to go upstream, to go up (a river)
222 裂く saku
to tear, to rip up
223 削除 sakujo
deletion, elimination, erasure, striking out
224 作成 sakusei
making (a report, plan, contract, etc.), drawing up, writing out, preparing, creating (a file, website, account, etc.)
225 作製 sakusei
manufacture, production
226 探る saguru
to feel around for, to fumble for, to grope for, to search for, to look for
227 ささやく sasayaku
to whisper, to murmur
228 刺さる sasaru
to stick into (of something with a sharp point), to prick, to pierce, to get stuck (in), to lodge (in)
229 差し引き sashihiki
deduction, subtraction, balance
230 刺す sasu
to pierce, to stab, to prick, to stick, to thrust
231 挿す sasu
to insert, to put in
232 注す sasu
to pour, to add (liquid), to serve (drinks)
233 射す sasu
to shine
234 撮影 satsuei
photography (still or motion), photographing, filming, shooting, (video) recording
235 錆びる sabiru
to rust, to become rusty
236 冷ます samasu
to cool (e.g. from a high temperature to room temperature), to let cool
237 妨げる samatageru
to disturb, to prevent, to obstruct, to hinder
238 冷める sameru
to cool down, to get cold
239 仕上がる shiagaru
to be finished, to be completed, to be done
240 自衛 jiei
self-defense, self-defence
241 司会 shikai
leading a meeting, presiding over a meeting, officiating at a ceremony, chairmanship
242 敷く shiku
to spread out, to lay out
243 茂る shigeru
to grow thickly, to be in full leaf, to be rampant, to luxuriate, to be luxurious
244 持参 jisan
bringing, taking, carrying
245 四捨五入 shishagonyuu
rounding (fractions), rounding half up
246 自習 jishuu
self-study, teaching oneself
247 静まる shizumaru
to become quiet, to quiet down, to quieten down
248 下書き shitagaki
draft, rough copy
249 実習 jisshuu
practice (in the field), training (esp. practical and hands-on), practical exercise, drill
250 執筆 shippitsu
writing, authoring