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N2 Verb List

251 失恋 shitsuren
disappointed love, broken heart, unrequited love, being lovelorn
252 指定 shitei
designation, specification, assignment, appointment, pointing at
253 縛る shibaru
to tie, to bind, to fasten
254 しびれる shibireru
to become numb, to go to sleep (e.g. a limb)
255 しぼむ shibomu
to wither (of flowers, dreams, etc.), to wilt, to droop, to shrivel, to fade (away), to sag, to deflate
256 絞る shiboru
to wring (towel, rag), to squeeze
257 締め切る shimekiru
to close up, to shut up (e.g. behind doors)
258 湿る shimeru
to become damp, to become moist, to become wet
259 しゃがむ shagamu
to squat, to crouch
260 写生 shasei
sketching, drawing from nature, portrayal, description
261 しゃっくり shakkuri
hiccup, hiccough
262 しゃぶる shaburu
to suck, to lick
263 じゃんけん janken
rock-paper-scissors (game), janken
264 集会 shuukai
meeting, assembly, gathering, congregation, convention, rally
265 集金 shuukin
money collection
266 集合 shuugou
meeting up, gathering, assembly
267 修繕 shuuzen
repair, mending
268 就任 shuunin
assumption (of office), taking up (a post), inauguration, installation
269 終了 shuuryou
end, close, termination
270 縮小 shukushou
reduction, curtailment, cut, cutback, scaling down
271 受験 juken
taking an examination (esp. for entrance to a school or university)
272 出勤 shukkin
going to work, leaving for work, attendance (at work), being at work, presence (in the office), reporting for work
273 出張 shutchou
business trip, official trip
274 循環 junkan
circulation, rotation, cycle, loop
275 消化 shouka
digestion (of food)
276 乗車 jousha
boarding (a train, bus, etc.), getting into (e.g. a taxi)
277 生ずる shouzuru
to produce, to yield, to cause
278 消毒 shoudoku
disinfection, sterilization, sterilisation
279 蒸発 jouhatsu
280 小便 shouben
urine, piss, pee, urination
281 消耗 shoumou
exhaustion, consumption, using up, dissipation, waste
282 省略 shouryaku
omission, leaving out
283 信ずる shinzuru
to believe, to believe in, to place trust in, to confide in, to have faith in
284 申請 shinsei
application, request, petition
285 診断 shindan
diagnosis, medical examination
286 侵入 shinnyuu
invasion, incursion, raid, aggression, intrusion, trespass, penetration, hacking
287 炊事 suiji
cooking, kitchen work
288 推定 suitei
presumption, assumption
289 透き通る sukitouru
to be transparent, to be see-through, to be clear
290 スケジュール sukejuuru
291 涼む suzumu
to cool oneself, to cool off, to enjoy the cool air
292 スタート sutaato
start, beginning
293 すっきり sukkiri
refreshingly, with a feeling of relief, pleasantly, (a weight) off one's shoulder
294 捨てる suteru
to throw away, to cast away, to dump, to discard
295 ストップ sutoppu
296 澄む sumu
to become clear (water, air, etc.), to become transparent
297 ずらす zurasu
to shift, to move, to slide
298 刷る suru
to print
299 すれ違う surechigau
to pass (by) each other, to brush past
300 製作 seisaku
manufacture, production