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N2 Verb List

301 制作 seisaku
work (film, book)
302 清書 seisho
fair copy, clean copy
303 清掃 seisou
cleaning, clean-up, garbage collection, scavenging
304 生長 seichou
growth (of a plant)
305 整備 seibi
maintenance, servicing
306 成立 seiritsu
formation, establishment, materialization, coming into existence
307 背負う seou
to carry on one's back
308 接近 sekkin
getting closer, drawing nearer, approaching
309 接続 setsuzoku
connection, attachment, union, join, joint, link
310 迫る semaru
to approach, to draw near, to be imminent
311 攻める semeru
to attack, to assault, to assail
312 専制 sensei
despotism, autocracy
313 宣伝 senden
publicity, advertisement, advertising, propaganda
314 相違 soui
difference, discrepancy, variation
315 増減 zougen
increase and decrease, fluctuation
316 創作 sousaku
creation, production, creative work (novel, film, etc.), original work, (creative) writing
317 造船 zousen
318 増大 zoudai
enlargement, increase
319 送別 soubetsu
farewell, send-off
320 速達 sokutatsu
express, special delivery
321 測定 sokutei
322 測量 sokuryou
measurement, surveying
323 備える sonaeru
to furnish with, to equip with, to provide, to install
324 剃る soru
to shave
325 それる soreru
to turn away, to bear off, to veer away, to swerve from, to miss (e.g. a target)
326 揃う sorou
to be complete, to be all present, to make a full set, to be satisfied (of conditions)
327 揃える soroeru
to collect, to gather, to get together, to complete (a collection)
328 存じる zonjiru
to know, to be aware (of), to be acquainted (with)
329 存ずる zonzuru
to know, to be aware (of), to be acquainted (with)
330 退院 taiin
leaving hospital, discharge from hospital
331 対照 taishou
contrast, antithesis, comparison
332 体操 taisou
gymnastics, physical exercises
333 ダイヤル daiyaru
dial (e.g. telephone, radio, clock, gauge)
334 高める takameru
to raise, to lift, to boost, to enhance
335 耕す tagayasu
to till, to plow, to plough, to cultivate
336 炊く taku
to cook (grains, e.g. rice)
337 焚く taku
to burn, to kindle, to light (a fire), to make (a fire)
338 蓄える takuwaeru
to store, to save up, to stock up on, to lay in stock, to set aside
339 助かる tasukaru
to be saved, to be rescued, to survive
340 たたむ tatamu
to fold (clothes, umbrella)
341 立ち止まる tachitomaru
to stop (in one's tracks), to come to a stop, to halt, to pause, to stand still
342 建つ tatsu
to be erected, to be built
343 立つ tatsu
to stand, to rise, to stand up
344 脱線 dassen
345 妥当 datou
valid, proper, right, appropriate, reasonable
346 例える tatoeru
to compare (something) to, to liken, to speak figuratively, to use a simile, to use a metaphor
347 騙す damasu
to trick, to cheat, to deceive
348 たまる tamaru
to collect, to gather, to save, to accumulate, to pile up
349 ためらう tamerau
to hesitate, to waver
350 溜める tameru
to amass, to accumulate, to store