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N2 Verb List

351 足る taru
to be sufficient, to be enough
352 断水 dansui
suspension of water supply, water outage
353 断定 dantei
conclusion, decision, judgement, declaration
354 誓う chikau
to swear, to vow, to take an oath, to pledge
355 近づける chikazukeru
to bring near, to bring close, to let go near
356 近寄る chikayoru
to approach, to draw near
357 縮む chijimu
to shrink, to contract, to diminish (in size)
358 縮める chijimeru
to shorten, to reduce, to condense, to shrink
359 縮れる chijireru
to be wavy, to be curled, to be frizzled
360 抽象 chuushou
361 超過 chouka
excess, being more than
362 彫刻 choukoku
carving, engraving, sculpture
363 調整 chousei
adjustment, regulation, coordination, reconciliation, tuning, fixing, tailoring
364 調節 chousetsu
regulation, adjustment, control
365 直通 chokutsuu
direct line, direct communication, connecting directly, through service, nonstop service
366 貯蔵 chozou
storage, preservation
367 散らかす chirakasu
to scatter around, to leave untidy, to make a mess
368 散らかる chirakaru
to be in disorder, to lie scattered around
369 散らす chirasu
to scatter, to cause a shower of
370 散る chiru
to fall (e.g. blossoms, leaves)
371 追加 tsuika
addition, supplement, appending, appendix
372 通勤 tsuukin
commuting to work
373 通ずる tsuuzuru
to be open (to traffic), to lead to, to communicate (with)
374 通知 tsuuchi
notice, notification, report, posting
375 通訳 tsuuyaku
interpretation (i.e. oral translation)
376 通用 tsuuyou
(common) use (of a language, currency, etc.), current use, circulation, currency, validity (e.g. of a ticket)
377 付き合う tsukiau
to associate with, to keep company with, to go out with, to go steady with, to get on with
378 突き当たる tsukiataru
to run into, to collide with, to crash into, to bump against
379 つく tsuku
to be lit (of a lamp, burner, etc.), to catch fire, to ignite, to start burning
380 突く tsuku
to prick, to stab
381 次ぐ tsugu
to follow, to come after, to come next (to), to rank next (to), to rank second (to)
382 つける tsukeru
to attach, to join, to add, to append, to affix, to stick, to glue, to fasten, to sew on, to apply (ointment)
383 つける tsukeru
to turn on, to switch on, to light up
384 漬ける tsukeru
to soak (in), to steep, to dip, to dunk
385 伝わる tsutawaru
to spread (of a rumour, news, etc.), to travel, to circulate, to go around, to be passed around, to become known
386 突っ込む tsukkomu
to thrust (something) into (something), to cram, to stuff, to shove
387 勤める tsutomeru
to work (for), to be employed (at), to serve (in)
388 努める tsutomeru
to endeavor (to do), to endeavour, to try hard, to work hard, to strive, to make an effort, to exert oneself, to devote oneself, to be committed (to doing)
389 つながる tsunagaru
to be tied together, to be connected to, to be linked to
390 つなげる tsunageru
to connect
391 潰す tsubusu
to smash, to crush, to flatten
392 潰れる tsubureru
to be crushed, to be squashed, to be smashed, to be destroyed, to be broken, to collapse
393 つまずく tsumazuku
to trip (over), to stumble
394 詰まる tsumaru
to be packed (with), to be full (space, schedule, etc.)
395 積む tsumu
to pile up, to stack
396 釣り合う tsuriau
to balance, to be in harmony, to be in equilibrium
397 つる tsuru
to hang, to suspend, to sling, to wear (e.g. a sword), to put up (e.g. a shelf)
398 吊るす tsurusu
to hang, to hang up
399 低下 teika
fall, decline, lowering, deterioration, degradation
400 停止 teishi
stoppage, coming to a stop, halt, standstill