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N3 Verb List

201 供給 kyoukyuu
supply, provision
202 恐縮 kyoushuku
feeling (much) obliged, being (very) grateful, being thankful
203 競争 kyousou
competition, contest, rivalry, race
204 協調 kyouchou
cooperation, conciliation, harmony, coordination
205 共同 kyoudou
cooperation, collaboration, association, partnership, (acting in) unison
206 恐怖 kyoufu
fear, dread, dismay, terror, horror, scare, panic
207 教養 kyouyou
cultivation, refinement, culture, education
208 協力 kyouryoku
cooperation, collaboration, help, support
209 許可 kyoka
permission, approval, authorization, license
210 きれる kireru
to break, to snap, to be cut, to split, to crack
211 議論 giron
argument, discussion, dispute, controversy
212 気をつける kiwotsukeru
to be careful, to pay attention, to take care
213 禁煙 kin'en
abstaining from smoking, quitting smoking
214 禁止 kinshi
prohibition, inhibition, ban
215 緊張 kinchou
tension, strain, nervousness, stress
216 崩れる kuzureru
to collapse, to crumble
217 砕く kudaku
to break (into pieces), to smash, to crush, to shatter, to grind (into powder), to pound
218 砕ける kudakeru
to break (into pieces), to be broken, to be smashed
219 くたびれる kutabireru
to get tired, to become exhausted, to grow weary
220 くっつく kuttsuku
to adhere to, to stick to, to cling to
221 くっつける kuttsukeru
to attach, to stick together, to paste, to glue
222 工夫 kufuu
devising (a way), contriving, inventing, thinking up, figuring out, coming up with, working out
223 汲む kumu
to draw (water), to ladle, to dip up, to scoop up, to pump
224 比べる kuraberu
to compare, to make a comparison
225 グランド gurando
grand, large
226 クリーニング kuriiningu
cleaning, dry cleaning, laundry service
227 繰り返す kurikaesu
to repeat, to do something over again
228 包む tsutsumu
to wrap up, to pack, to bundle, to do up
229 くれる kureru
to give, to let (one) have
230 苦労 kurou
trouble, hardship, difficulty, labour, labor, toil, pains
231 加える kuwaeru
to add, to add up, to sum up, to append, to annex
232 訓練 kunren
training, drill, practice, discipline
233 経営 keiei
management, administration, operation, running (a business), conducting
234 計画 keikaku
plan, project, schedule, scheme, program, programme
235 経験 keiken
236 警告 keikoku
warning, advice
237 計算 keisan
calculation, reckoning, count
238 継続 keizoku
continuation, continuance, going on
239 警備 keibi
defense, defence, guard, policing, security
240 契約 keiyaku
contract, compact, agreement
241 経由 keiyu
going through, going via, going by way of
242 怪我 kega
injury, wound
243 下車 gesha
alighting (from a train, bus, etc.), getting off, getting out (of a car)
244 化粧 keshou
make-up, makeup, cosmetics
245 結婚 kekkon
246 決定 kettei
decision, determination
247 結論 ketsuron
conclusion (of an argument, discussion, study, etc.)
248 蹴る keru
to kick
249 原因 gen'in
cause, origin, source
250 見学 kengaku
inspection, study by observation, field trip, tour, review