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N3 Verb List

251 研究 kenkyuu
study, research, investigation
252 検査 kensa
inspection (e.g. customs, factory), examination, test, check, scan (e.g. MRI, PET), audit
253 研修 kenshuu
training (esp. in-service), induction course
254 建設 kensetsu
construction, establishment
255 謙遜 kenson
modesty, humility, being humble
256 建築 kenchiku
construction, architecture (of buildings)
257 検討 kentou
consideration, examination, investigation, study, scrutiny, discussion, analysis, review
258 公演 kouen
public performance
259 講演 kouen
lecture, address, speech
260 合格 goukaku
passing (an exam), pass, success, passing grade
261 交換 koukan
exchange, interchange, switching, reciprocity, barter, substitution, replacement, clearing (of checks, cheques)
262 抗議 kougi
protest, objection
263 合計 goukei
sum total, total amount
264 攻撃 kougeki
attack, assault, raid, onslaught, offensive
265 貢献 kouken
contribution (furthering a goal or cause), services (to a cause)
266 広告 koukoku
advertisement, advertising
267 交差 kousa
crossing, intersection
268 工事 kouji
construction work
269 構成 kousei
composition, construction, formation, makeup, structure, organization, organisation
270 構想 kousou
plan, plot, idea, conception, vision, scheme
271 交代 koutai
alternation, change, relief, relay, shift, substitution (sports, etc.), taking turns
272 交通 koutsuu
traffic, transportation, communication, exchange (of ideas, etc.), intercourse
273 行動 koudou
action, conduct, behaviour, behavior, mobilization, mobilisation
274 合同 goudou
combination, union, incorporation, amalgamation, fusion
275 公表 kouhyou
official announcement, proclamation
276 交流 kouryuu
exchange (e.g. cultural), interchange, interaction, mingling, mixing, coming together
277 コーチ koochi
278 ゴール gooru
goal, basket (basketball), finishing line, winning post
279 誤解 gokai
280 呼吸 kokyuu
breathing, respiration
281 克服 kokufuku
conquest (of a difficulty, illness, crisis, etc.), overcoming, surmounting, bringing under control
282 凍える kogoeru
to freeze (of one's body), to be frozen, to become numb (with cold), to be chilled
283 こしらえる koshiraeru
to make, to manufacture
284 こする kosuru
to rub, to scrub, to scrape
285 応える kotaeru
to respond, to answer, to meet (e.g. demands, expectations)
286 ご馳走 gochisou
treat (esp. food and drink), entertainment, treating someone (to a meal), taking someone to dinner
287 言付ける kotozukeru
to have someone send (a message, parcel, etc.), to send (via someone else), to leave (a message) with someone
288 コピー kopii
copy, photocopy
289 ご無沙汰 gobusata
not writing or contacting for a while, neglecting (failing) to write (call, visit, etc.), long silence
290 こぼす kobosu
to spill, to drop, to shed (tears)
291 こぼれる koboreru
to spill, to fall out of, to overflow
292 娯楽 goraku
amusement, entertainment, recreation, pleasure, pastime, hobby
293 コレクション korekushon
collection (of art, stamps, etc.), collecting
294 殺す korosu
to kill, to slay, to murder, to slaughter
295 混乱 konran
disorder, chaos, confusion, mayhem
296 サービス saabisu
service, help, assistance, care, concern
297 在学 zaigaku
attending (school, college, etc.), being enrolled, being a student
298 採点 saiten
marking, grading, scoring
299 裁判 saiban
trial, judgement, judgment
300 裁縫 saihou
sewing, needlework