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N3 Verb List

301 サイン sain
autograph, signature
302 さかのぼる sakanoboru
to go upstream, to go up (a river)
303 作業 sagyou
work, operation, task
304 咲く saku
to bloom, to flower, to blossom, to open
305 作成 sakusei
making (a report, plan, contract, etc.), drawing up, writing out, preparing, creating (a file, website, account, etc.)
306 作製 sakusei
manufacture, production
307 作文 sakubun
writing (an essay, prose, etc.), composition
308 裂ける sakeru
to split, to tear, to burst, to be separated, to be divided
309 下げる sageru
to hang, to suspend, to wear (e.g. decoration)
310 支える sasaeru
to support, to prop, to sustain, to underlay, to hold up, to defend
311 ささやく sasayaku
to whisper, to murmur
312 射す sasu
to shine
313 注す sasu
to pour, to add (liquid), to serve (drinks)
314 撮影 satsuei
photography (still or motion), photographing, filming, shooting, (video) recording
315 作曲 sakkyoku
composition (of music), setting, writing music
316 さっぱり sappari
feeling refreshed, feeling relieved
317 裁く sabaku
to judge, to decide, to sit in judgement, to try
318 錆びる sabiru
to rust, to become rusty
319 差別 sabetsu
distinction, differentiation, discrimination
320 冷ます samasu
to cool (e.g. from a high temperature to room temperature), to let cool
321 左右 sayuu
left and right, right and left
322 障る sawaru
to be harmful to, to hinder, to interfere with, to irritate
323 参加 sanka
participation, joining, entry
324 賛成 sansei
approval, agreement, support, favour, favor
325 試合 shiai
match, game, bout, contest
326 自衛 jiei
self-defense, self-defence
327 司会 shikai
leading a meeting, presiding over a meeting, officiating at a ceremony, chairmanship
328 しかる shikaru
to scold, to chide, to rebuke, to reprimand
329 支給 shikyuu
provision, supply, payment, allowance, grant
330 敷く shiku
to spread out, to lay out
331 刺激 shigeki
stimulus, stimulation, irritation
332 試験 shiken
examination, exam, test
333 仕事 shigoto
work, job, labor, labour, business, task, assignment, occupation, employment
334 自殺 jisatsu
335 支出 shishutsu
expenditure, disbursement, expenses
336 自信 jishin
self-confidence, confidence (in oneself)
337 しっかり shikkari
tightly (holding on), firmly, securely
338 実験 jikken
experiment, experimentation
339 実現 jitsugen
implementation (e.g. of a system), materialization, materialisation, realization, realisation, actualization, actualisation
340 実行 jikkou
execution (e.g. of a plan), carrying out, practice, action, implementation, fulfillment, realization
341 実施 jisshi
enforcement, implementation, putting into practice, carrying out, operation, working (e.g. working parameters), enactment
342 じっと jitto
motionlessly (e.g. stand, wait), (be) still
343 失敗 shippai
failure, mistake, blunder
344 執筆 shippitsu
writing, authoring
345 質問 shitsumon
question, inquiry, enquiry
346 指定 shitei
designation, specification, assignment, appointment, pointing at
347 指導 shidou
guidance, leadership, instruction, direction, coaching
348 支配 shihai
rule, domination, control
349 支払う shiharau
to pay
350 しばらく shibaraku
for a moment, for a minute