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N3 Verb List

351 しびれる shibireru
to become numb, to go to sleep (e.g. a limb)
352 死亡 shibou
death, dying, mortality
353 しぼむ shibomu
to wither (of flowers, dreams, etc.), to wilt, to droop, to shrivel, to fade (away), to sag, to deflate
354 閉まる shimaru
to be shut, to close, to be closed
355 示す shimesu
to (take out and) show, to demonstrate, to tell, to exemplify, to make apparent
356 占める shimeru
to occupy, to hold
357 しゃがむ shagamu
to squat, to crouch
358 借金 shakkin
debt, loan, liabilities, borrowing money
359 しゃっくり shakkuri
hiccup, hiccough
360 しゃぶる shaburu
to suck, to lick
361 しゃべる shaberu
to talk, to chat, to chatter
362 じゃんけん janken
rock-paper-scissors (game), janken
363 集会 shuukai
meeting, assembly, gathering, congregation, convention, rally
364 収穫 shuukaku
harvest, crop, ingathering
365 集金 shuukin
money collection
366 集合 shuugou
meeting up, gathering, assembly
367 就職 shuushoku
finding employment, getting a job
368 修正 shuusei
amendment, correction, revision, modification, alteration, retouching, update, fix
369 渋滞 juutai
(traffic) congestion, traffic jam, gridlock
370 集中 shuuchuu
concentration (on a task), focusing one's attention
371 就任 shuunin
assumption (of office), taking up (a post), inauguration, installation
372 修理 shuuri
repair, mending, fixing, servicing
373 終了 shuuryou
end, close, termination
374 授業 jugyou
lesson, class work, teaching, instruction
375 縮小 shukushou
reduction, curtailment, cut, cutback, scaling down
376 宿泊 shukuhaku
accommodation, lodging
377 受験 juken
taking an examination (esp. for entrance to a school or university)
378 手術 shujutsu
surgery, operation, procedure
379 主張 shuchou
claim, insistence, assertion, advocacy, emphasis, contention, opinion, tenet
380 出場 shutsujou
(stage) appearance, performance
381 出席 shusseki
attendance, presence, appearance
382 出張 shutchou
business trip, official trip
383 出発 shuppatsu
departure, leaving, setting off
384 出版 shuppan
385 準備 junbi
preparation, arrangements, getting ready, provision, setup, reserving
386 使用 shiyou
use, application, employment, utilization, utilisation
387 紹介 shoukai
introduction, presentation, referral
388 障害 shougai
obstacle, impediment, hindrance, barrier, difficulty
389 生ずる shouzuru
to produce, to yield, to cause
390 招待 shoutai
391 承知 shouchi
knowledge, awareness
392 衝突 shoutotsu
collision, crash, impact, running into
393 商売 shoubai
trade, business, commerce
394 消費 shouhi
consumption, expenditure, spending
395 消防 shoubou
fire fighting
396 証明 shoumei
proof, testimony, demonstration, verification, certification
397 省略 shouryaku
omission, leaving out
398 食事 shokuji
meal, dinner
399 署名 shomei
400 処理 shori
processing, dealing with, treatment, disposition, disposal