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N3 Verb List

401 知らせる shiraseru
to notify, to advise, to inform
402 知る shiru
to know, to be aware (of), to be conscious (of), to learn (of), to find out, to discover
403 進学 shingaku
advancing to the next stage of education, going on to (high school, college, etc.)
404 振興 shinkou
promotion, encouragement
405 信号 shingou
signal, signalling, signaling
406 診察 shinsatsu
medical examination
407 申請 shinsei
application, request, petition
408 診断 shindan
diagnosis, medical examination
409 心配 shinpai
worry, concern, anxiety, uneasiness, fear
410 審判 shinpan
judgement, judgment, decision, verdict, sentence
411 進歩 shinpo
progress, advance, improvement, development
412 信用 shinyou
confidence, trust, faith, reputation
413 信頼 shinrai
reliance, trust, faith, confidence
414 水泳 suiei
415 推薦 suisen
recommendation, referral, endorsement
416 スイッチ suitchi
417 推定 suitei
presumption, assumption
418 すくう sukuu
to scoop, to ladle out
419 優れる masareru
to surpass, to outstrip, to excel
420 スケート sukeeto
skating (esp. ice), skate, skates
421 スケジュール sukejuuru
422 涼む suzumu
to cool oneself, to cool off, to enjoy the cool air
423 進める susumeru
to advance, to move forward, to put (a clock, watch) forward
424 スタート sutaato
start, beginning
425 すっきり sukkiri
refreshingly, with a feeling of relief, pleasantly, (a weight) off one's shoulder
426 すっと sutto
straight, quickly, directly, all of a sudden
427 ストップ sutoppu
428 済ませる sumaseru
to finish, to make an end of, to get through with, to let end
429 ずらす zurasu
to shift, to move, to slide
430 すれ違う surechigau
to pass (by) each other, to brush past
431 ずれる zureru
to slide, to slip off, to get dislocated, to be out of alignment, to get dislodged, to deviate, to shift (position), to be out of sync, to be slightly off, to be off-point
432 生活 seikatsu
life, living
433 請求 seikyuu
claim, demand, charge, application, request, billing (for a service)
434 制限 seigen
restriction, restraint, limitation, limit
435 成功 seikou
success, achievement
436 製作 seisaku
manufacture, production
437 制作 seisaku
work (film, book)
438 生産 seisan
production, manufacture
439 清書 seisho
fair copy, clean copy
440 清掃 seisou
cleaning, clean-up, garbage collection, scavenging
441 製造 seizou
manufacture, production
442 成長 seichou
growth, development, growing up, becoming an adult
443 整備 seibi
maintenance, servicing
444 整理 seiri
sorting, arrangement, organization, putting in order, adjustment, regulation
445 成立 seiritsu
formation, establishment, materialization, coming into existence
446 接近 sekkin
getting closer, drawing nearer, approaching
447 設計 sekkei
plan, design, layout
448 設備 setsubi
equipment, facilities, installation, accommodations, conveniences, arrangements
449 説明 setsumei
explanation, exposition, description, account, caption, legend
450 絶滅 zetsumetsu
extinction, extermination