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N3 Verb List

451 迫る semaru
to approach, to draw near, to be imminent
452 攻める semeru
to attack, to assault, to assail
453 世話 sewa
care, looking after, help, assistance, aid
454 専攻 senkou
major subject, special study
455 潜在 senzai
potentiality, dormancy, latency
456 前進 zenshin
advance, moving forward, progress
457 戦争 sensou
458 選択 sentaku
choice, selection, option
459 宣伝 senden
publicity, advertisement, advertising, propaganda
460 相違 soui
difference, discrepancy, variation
461 増加 zouka
increase, rise, growth, addition, increment
462 捜査 sousa
search (esp. in criminal investigations), investigation, inquiry, enquiry
463 捜索 sousaku
search (esp. for someone or something missing), manhunt
464 掃除 souji
cleaning, sweeping, dusting, scrubbing
465 造船 zousen
466 想像 souzou
imagination, supposition, guess
467 相続 souzoku
468 増大 zoudai
enlargement, increase
469 相談 soudan
consultation, discussion, discussing, asking (someone) for advice
470 装置 souchi
equipment, device, installation, apparatus
471 相当 soutou
corresponding to (in meaning, function, etc.), being equivalent to
472 測定 sokutei
473 組織 soshiki
organization, organisation, formation
474 注ぐ sosogu
to pour (into)
475 育てる sodateru
to raise, to rear, to bring up
476 卒業 sotsugyou
graduation, completion (of a course)
477 備える sonaeru
to furnish with, to equip with, to provide, to install
478 剃る soru
to shave
479 それる soreru
to turn away, to bear off, to veer away, to swerve from, to miss (e.g. a target)
480 揃う sorou
to be complete, to be all present, to make a full set, to be satisfied (of conditions)
481 揃える soroeru
to collect, to gather, to get together, to complete (a collection)
482 son
loss, damage, harm, unprofitable
483 損害 songai
damage, injury, loss
484 尊敬 sonkei
respect, esteem, reverence, honour, honor
485 存在 sonzai
existence, being, presence
486 存ずる zonzuru
to know, to be aware (of), to be acquainted (with)
487 尊重 sonchou
respect, esteem, regard
488 滞在 taizai
stay, sojourn
489 代表 daihyou
representation, representative, delegate, delegation
490 逮捕 taiho
arrest, apprehension, capture
491 ダイヤル daiyaru
dial (e.g. telephone, radio, clock, gauge)
492 代理 dairi
representation, agency, proxy, agent, representative, deputy, substitute, surrogate, stand-in
493 炊く taku
to cook (grains, e.g. rice)
494 出す dasu
to take out, to get out
495 訪ねる tazuneru
to visit, to call on, to pay a visit to
496 叩く tataku
to strike, to hit, to beat, to knock, to pound, to bang, to slap, to spank, to tap, to pat, to clap (one's hands), to play (the drums)
497 たたむ tatamu
to fold (clothes, umbrella)
498 裁つ tatsu
to cut (cloth)
499 立てる tateru
to stand up, to put up, to set up, to erect, to raise
500 建てる tateru
to build, to construct