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N3 Verb List

501 頼む tanomu
to request, to beg, to ask
502 tabi
travel, trip, journey
503 騙す damasu
to trick, to cheat, to deceive
504 たまる tamaru
to collect, to gather, to save, to accumulate, to pile up
505 黙る damaru
to be silent, to say nothing
506 ためらう tamerau
to hesitate, to waver
507 溜める tameru
to amass, to accumulate, to store
508 誕生 tanjou
birth, creation, formation
509 ダンス dansu
510 担当 tantou
being in charge (of an area of responsibility), being responsible (for a work role, etc.)
511 ちぎる chigiru
to tear to pieces, to tear to shreds, to tear up
512 縮める chijimeru
to shorten, to reduce, to condense, to shrink
513 縮れる chijireru
to be wavy, to be curled, to be frizzled
514 ちゃんと chanto
diligently, seriously, earnestly, reliably, steadily, legitimately
515 chuu
annotation, explanatory note, comment
516 注意 chuui
attention, notice, heed
517 中止 chuushi
interruption, discontinuance, suspension, stoppage
518 注射 chuusha
injection, jab, shot
519 注目 chuumoku
notice, attention, observation
520 注文 chuumon
order (for an item)
521 超過 chouka
excess, being more than
522 彫刻 choukoku
carving, engraving, sculpture
523 調査 chousa
investigation, examination, inquiry, enquiry, survey
524 調整 chousei
adjustment, regulation, coordination, reconciliation, tuning, fixing, tailoring
525 貯金 chokin
putting money aside, savings, deposit (e.g. in a bank)
526 散らかす chirakasu
to scatter around, to leave untidy, to make a mess
527 追加 tsuika
addition, supplement, appending, appendix
528 通過 tsuuka
passing through (a tunnel, station, town, etc.), passing by (e.g. of a typhoon), transit
529 通勤 tsuukin
commuting to work
530 通行 tsuukou
passage (of people or vehicles), passing (through), traffic
531 通ずる tsuuzuru
to be open (to traffic), to lead to, to communicate (with)
532 通信 tsuushin
correspondence, communication, transmission, news, signal, telecommunications
533 通知 tsuuchi
notice, notification, report, posting
534 通訳 tsuuyaku
interpretation (i.e. oral translation)
535 通用 tsuuyou
(common) use (of a language, currency, etc.), current use, circulation, currency, validity (e.g. of a ticket)
536 使う tsukau
to use (a tool, method, etc.), to make use of, to put to use
537 つかむ tsukamu
to seize, to catch, to grasp, to grip, to grab, to clutch, to hold, to catch hold of, to lay one's hands on
538 付く tsuku
to be attached, to be connected with, to adhere, to stick, to cling
539 着く tsuku
to arrive at, to reach
540 つく tsuku
to breathe out
541 つく tsuku
to be lit (of a lamp, burner, etc.), to catch fire, to ignite, to start burning
542 つける tsukeru
to attach, to join, to add, to append, to affix, to stick, to glue, to fasten, to sew on, to apply (ointment)
543 つける tsukeru
to turn on, to switch on, to light up
544 伝える tsutaeru
to convey, to report, to transmit, to communicate, to tell, to impart, to propagate, to teach, to bequeath
545 続く tsuzuku
to continue, to last, to go on
546 続ける tsuzukeru
to continue, to keep up, to keep on
547 努める tsutomeru
to endeavor (to do), to endeavour, to try hard, to work hard, to strive, to make an effort, to exert oneself, to devote oneself, to be committed (to doing)
548 勤める tsutomeru
to work (for), to be employed (at), to serve (in)
549 つながる tsunagaru
to be tied together, to be connected to, to be linked to
550 つなぐ tsunagu
to connect, to link together