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N3 Verb List

551 つなげる tsunageru
to connect
552 潰す tsubusu
to smash, to crush, to flatten
553 潰れる tsubureru
to be crushed, to be squashed, to be smashed, to be destroyed, to be broken, to collapse
554 つまずく tsumazuku
to trip (over), to stumble
555 詰める tsumeru
to stuff into, to jam, to cram, to pack, to fill, to plug, to stop up
556 釣り合う tsuriau
to balance, to be in harmony, to be in equilibrium
557 つる tsuru
to hang, to suspend, to sling, to wear (e.g. a sword), to put up (e.g. a shelf)
558 吊るす tsurusu
to hang, to hang up
559 提案 teian
proposal, proposition, suggestion
560 低下 teika
fall, decline, lowering, deterioration, degradation
561 抵抗 teikou
resistance, opposition, standing up to
562 停止 teishi
stoppage, coming to a stop, halt, standstill
563 提出 teishutsu
presentation (of documents), submission (of an application, report, etc.), production (e.g. of evidence), introduction (e.g. of a bill), filing, turning in
564 デート deeto
date (with someone), (social) outing (for two), date night
565 適用 tekiyou
applying (e.g. a technology), adoption
566 テスト tesuto
examination, quiz, test, tryout, trial
567 手続き tetsuzuki
procedure, process, proceedings, formalities
568 徹底 tettei
thoroughness, completeness, consistency
569 展開 tenkai
development, evolution, progression, unfolding, (plot) twist
570 転々 tenten
moving from place to place, being passed around repeatedly
571 電話 denwa
telephone call, phone call
572 統一 touitsu
unity, consolidation, uniformity, unification, compatible
573 統計 toukei
574 登場 toujou
entry (on stage), appearance (on screen)
575 到着 touchaku
576 投票 touhyou
voting, ballot, poll, vote
577 通りかかる tourikakaru
to happen to pass by
578 尖る togaru
to taper to a point, to become pointed, to become sharp
579 溶く toku
to dissolve (paint), to scramble (eggs), to melt (metal, etc.), to mix (water with flour, etc.)
580 解く toku
to untie, to unfasten, to unwrap, to undo, to unbind, to unpack
581 どく doku
to step aside, to move (i.e. out of the way), to make way
582 読書 dokusho
reading (a book)
583 独立 dokuritsu
independence, self-reliance, supporting oneself, being on one's own
584 解ける tokeru
to be solved, to be resolved
585 のける nokeru
to put something out of the way, to move (something, someone) aside
586 登山 tozan
mountain climbing, ascending a mountain, ascent
587 とじる tojiru
to bind, to file
588 届く todoku
to reach, to touch, to get to, to carry (of sound)
589 届ける todokeru
to deliver, to forward, to send
590 止める yameru
to stop, to turn off
591 取り入れる toriireru
to harvest, to reap
592 努力 doryoku
effort, exertion, endeavour, endeavor, hard work, striving
593 取る toru
to take, to pick up, to grab, to catch
594 トレーニング toreeningu
training (for a skill, job, sport, etc.), practice
595 取れる toreru
to come off (of a button, handle, lid, etc.)
596 流す nagasu
to drain, to pour, to run, to let flow, to flush, to shed (blood, tears), to spill
597 仲直り nakanaori
reconciliation, making up (with), making peace (with), being friends again, patching up a quarrel
598 泣く naku
to cry, to weep, to sob, to howl
599 鳴く naku
to make sound (of an animal), to call, to cry, to whine, to sing, to chirp
600 慰める nagusameru
to comfort, to console, to amuse