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N3 Verb List

601 なくす nakusu
to lose (something)
602 なくなる nakunaru
to be lost (e.g. luggage), to be missing
603 亡くなる nakunaru
to die, to pass away
604 なさる nasaru
to do
605 納得 nattoku
consent, agreement, acceptance
606 撫でる naderu
to stroke, to caress, to brush gently, to pat, to rub
607 何も nanimo
(not) anything, (nothing) at all, (not) any, nothing
608 怠ける namakeru
to be lazy, to be idle, to slack
609 並べる naraberu
to line up, to set up, to arrange in a line
610 なる naru
to bear fruit
611 煮える nieru
to be boiled, to be cooked
612 匂う niou
to be fragrant, to smell (good)
613 ニコニコ nikoniko
with a friendly grin, smilingly
614 にっこり nikkori
sweetly (smiling), broadly (grinning)
615 入院 nyuuin
hospitalization, hospitalisation
616 入学 nyuugaku
admission (to a school or university), entrance, enrolment, enrollment, matriculation
617 入社 nyuusha
joining a company, getting a job with a company, starting work at a company
618 入場 nyuujou
entrance, admission, entering
619 にらむ niramu
to glare at, to scowl at, to glower at
620 抜く nuku
to pull out, to draw out, to extract, to unplug, to weed
621 抜ける nukeru
to come out, to fall out, to be omitted, to be missing, to escape, to come loose
622 盗む nusumu
to steal
623 濡らす nurasu
to wet, to moisten, to dampen, to soak, to dip
624 ねじる nejiru
to screw, to twist
625 寝坊 nebou
sleeping in late, oversleeping
626 残す nokosu
to leave (behind)
627 覗く nozoku
to peek (through a keyhole, gap, etc.)
628 ノック nokku
knock, knocking
629 述べる noberu
to state, to express, to say, to tell, to mention
630 のろのろ noronoro
slowly, sluggishly
631 のんびり nonbiri
at leisure, in a relaxed manner, in a carefree manner, quietly, peacefully
632 売買 baibai
trade, buying and selling, trafficking (e.g. of humans, arms, drugs), dealing
633 入る iru
to enter, to come in, to go in, to get in, to arrive
634 這う hau
to crawl, to creep, to go on all fours
635 生える haeru
to grow, to spring up, to sprout
636 はがす hagasu
to tear off, to peel off, to rip off, to strip off, to skin, to flay, to disrobe, to deprive of, to detach, to disconnect
637 はきはき hakihaki
briskly, smartly, promptly, clearly, lucidly
638 掃く haku
to sweep, to brush, to clean
639 拍手 hakushu
clapping hands, applause
640 爆発 bakuhatsu
explosion, detonation, blast, blowing up, eruption
641 運ぶ hakobu
to carry, to transport, to move, to convey
642 挟む hasamu
to hold between (e.g. one's fingers, chopsticks), to grip (from both sides)
643 破産 hasan
bankruptcy, insolvency
644 パス pasu
passing (a test, examination, etc.)
645 働く hataraku
to work, to labor, to labour
646 発見 hakken
discovery, detection, finding
647 発行 hakkou
publication (of a newspaper, magazine, book, etc.), issue
648 発車 hassha
departure (of a train, car, etc.), starting, leaving
649 発想 hassou
idea, conception
650 発達 hattatsu
development, growth