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N3 Verb List

651 発展 hatten
development, growth, expansion, extension, flourishing
652 発電 hatsuden
generation (e.g. power)
653 発売 hatsubai
sale, offering for sale, release (for sale), launch (product)
654 発表 happyou
announcement, publication, presenting, statement, communique, making known, breaking (news story), expressing (one's opinion), releasing, unveiling
655 話し合い hanashiai
discussion, talk, tête-à-tête, conference
656 放れる houreru
to get free (from), to be freed, to be released
657 省く habuku
to omit, to leave out, to exclude, to eliminate
658 はめる hameru
to fit (e.g. a pane into a frame), to insert (e.g. a cork), to fasten (a button)
659 流行る hayaru
to be popular, to come into fashion
660 バランス baransu
661 腫れる hareru
to swell (from inflammation), to become swollen
662 繁栄 han'ei
prosperity, thriving, flourishing
663 万歳 banzai
banzai, hurray, hurrah, hooray
664 反省 hansei
reflection, reconsideration, introspection, meditation, contemplation
665 反対 hantai
opposition, resistance, antagonism, hostility, objection, dissent
666 判断 handan
judgment, judgement, decision, conclusion, adjudication
667 販売 hanbai
sales, selling, marketing
668 比較 hikaku
669 ピカピカ pikapika
with a glitter, with a sparkle
670 引き算 hikizan
671 引き止める hikiyameru
to detain, to check, to restrain, to stop
672 引く hiku
to pull, to tug, to lead (e.g. a horse)
673 弾く hiku
to play (a stringed or keyboard instrument)
674 ぴったり pittari
tightly, closely
675 びっくり bikkuri
to be surprised, to be amazed, to be frightened, to be astonished, to get startled, to jump
676 ひっくり返す hikkurikaesu
to turn over, to turn upside down, to turn up, to turn inside out, to turn out
677 ひっくり返る hikkurikaeru
to be overturned, to be reversed, to turn over, to capsize
678 否定 hitei
denial, negation, repudiation, disavowal
679 一言 hitokoto
single word, a few words, brief comment
680 一休み hitoyasumi
(short) rest, breather, break
681 ひねる hineru
to twist, to wrench, to turn (a switch on or off, etc.), to wring (a neck)
682 批判 hihan
criticism, judgement, judgment, comment
683 響く hibiku
to resound, to be heard far away
684 批評 hihyou
criticism, critique, review, commentary
685 評価 hyouka
valuation, appraisal, evaluation, assessment, estimation, rating, judging
686 表現 hyougen
expression, representation, description
687 評論 hyouron
criticism, critique
688 広げる hirogeru
to spread, to extend, to expand, to enlarge, to widen, to broaden
689 広々 hirobiro
extensive, spacious
690 普及 fukyuu
diffusion, spread, popularization, promulgation, familiarization
691 拭く fuku
to wipe, to dry
692 複写 fukusha
copying, duplication, reproduction, copy
693 含める fukumeru
to include (in a group or scope)
694 ふさがる fusagaru
to be closed, to be blocked, to be healed (e.g. wound), to be shut up
695 塞ぐ fusagu
to stop up, to close up, to block (up), to plug up, to shut up, to cover (ears, eyes, etc.), to close (eyes, mouth)
696 ふざける fuzakeru
to joke, to jest, to kid, to josh
697 無沙汰 busata
not writing or contacting for a while, neglecting to write (call, visit, etc.), failing to write (call, visit, etc.), long silence
698 不自由 fujiyuu
discomfort, inconvenience
699 不足 fusoku
insufficiency, deficiency, shortage, lack, scarcity, deficit
700 付属 fuzoku
being attached (to), being affiliated (to), belonging (to), going with