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N3 Verb List

701 ぶつかる butsukaru
to bump into, to run into, to collide with, to hit, to strike
702 ぶつける butsukeru
to hit (e.g. one's head), to strike, to crash into
703 ぶら下げる burasageru
to hang, to suspend, to dangle, to swing, to carry
704 プラス purasu
plus, addition
705 振り向く furimuku
to turn one's face, to turn around, to look over one's shoulder
706 プリント purinto
print, printing, (printed) copy
707 降る furu
to fall (of rain, snow, ash, etc.), to come down
708 震える furueru
to shiver, to shake, to quake, to tremble, to quaver, to quiver
709 プレゼント purezento
present, gift
710 触れる fureru
to touch, to feel
711 噴火 funka
eruption, volcanic eruption
712 分析 bunseki
713 平均 heikin
average, mean
714 並行 heikou
going side-by-side, going abreast
715 凹む kubomu
to be dented, to be indented, to yield, to give, to sink, to collapse, to cave in
716 変化 henka
change, variation, alteration, mutation, transition, transformation, transfiguration, metamorphosis
717 勉強 benkyou
718 変更 henkou
change, modification, alteration, revision, amendment
719 返事 henji
reply, answer, response
720 編集 henshuu
editing, compilation
721 貿易 boueki
(foreign) trade, (international) commerce, importing and exporting
722 冒険 bouken
adventure, venture
723 報告 houkoku
report, information
724 防止 boushi
prevention, check
725 放送 housou
broadcasting, broadcast, program, announcement
726 包帯 houtai
bandage, dressing
727 訪問 houmon
call, visit
728 放る houru
to throw, to fling, to hurl, to toss
729 吠える hoeru
to bark, to howl, to bay, to roar, to yelp, to yap
730 募集 boshuu
recruitment, invitation, selection, advertisement, taking applications
731 補償 hoshou
compensation, reparation
732 保存 hozon
preservation, conservation, storage, maintenance
733 ほどく hodoku
to undo, to untie, to unfasten, to unlace, to unravel, to loosen, to unpack
734 微笑む hohoemu
to smile
735 翻訳 honyaku
736 ぼんやり bonyari
dimly, faintly, indistinctly, vaguely
737 マイナス mainasu
minus, subtraction, taking away
738 任せる makaseru
to leave (a matter, decision, etc. to someone), to entrust (to someone), to entrust (someone) with
739 まく maku
to sow, to plant, to seed
740 まごまご magomago
confused, flustered, at a loss
741 摩擦 masatsu
friction, rubbing, chafing
742 マスター masutaa
to master (a skill)
743 またぐ matagu
to step over, to step across, to stride over, to stride across, to cross
744 まとまる matomaru
to find resolution, to be settled, to be agreed on, to be completed
745 まとめる matomeru
to collect, to put (it all) together, to integrate, to consolidate, to unify
746 招く maneku
to invite, to ask
747 真似る maneru
to mimic, to imitate
748 守る mamoru
to protect, to guard, to defend
749 満足 manzoku
satisfaction, contentment, gratification
750 見送る miokuru
to see someone off (at a station, an airport, etc.), to escort (e.g. home)