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N3 Verb List

751 磨く migaku
to polish, to shine, to burnish, to scour, to scrub, to brush (teeth), to grind (e.g. a lens)
752 ミス misu
mistake, error, blunder
753 認める mitomeru
to recognize, to recognise, to observe, to notice
754 見舞う mimau
to visit and comfort or console, to go to see (e.g. someone in hospital), to ask after (e.g. someone's health), to inquire after
755 看る kanru
to look after (often medically), to take care of
756 向く muku
to turn toward, to look (up, down, etc.)
757 むく muku
to peel, to skin, to pare, to hull, to strip
758 向ける mukeru
to turn (towards), to face, to point, to aim, to direct to
759 矛盾 mujun
contradiction, inconsistency
760 結ぶ musubu
to tie, to bind, to link
761 命令 meirei
order, command, decree, directive
762 恵まれる megumareru
to be blessed with, to be rich in, to abound in
763 滅多に mettani
rarely, seldom
764 メモ memo
note, memo, memorandum
765 免許 menkyo
license, licence, permission, permit, certificate
766 面接 mensetsu
interview (e.g. for a job)
767 儲かる moukaru
to be profitable, to yield a profit
768 儲ける moukeru
to profit, to get, to earn, to gain
769 潜る moguru
to dive (into or under water)
770 もたれる motareru
to lean against, to lean on, to recline on
771 持つ motsu
to hold (in one's hand), to take, to carry
772 求める motomeru
to want, to wish for
773 もむ momu
to rub, to crumple
774 漏る moru
to leak, to run out
775 焼く yaku
to burn
776 約束 yakusoku
promise, agreement, arrangement, one's word, contract, pact, appointment, engagement, date
777 焼ける yakeru
to burn, to burn down, to go down in flames
778 痩せる yaseru
to become thin, to lose weight, to reduce (one's) weight, to slim
779 やっつける yattsukeru
to beat, to attack (an enemy), to do away with, to finish off
780 破く haku
to tear, to rip
781 破れる yabureru
to get torn, to tear, to rip, to break, to wear out
782 止む tomu
to cease, to stop, to be over
783 やめる yameru
to stop (an activity), to cease, to discontinue, to end, to quit
784 やや yaya
a little, partially, somewhat, slightly, semi-, -ish, on the ... side, a short time, a while
785 やる yaru
to do, to undertake, to perform, to play (a game), to study
786 優勝 yuushou
overall victory, championship, winning the title
787 輸出 yushutsu
export, exportation
788 輸送 yusou
transport, transportation
789 ゆっくり yukkuri
slowly, unhurriedly, without haste, leisurely, at one's leisure
790 茹でる yuderu
to boil (something in hot water)
791 輸入 yunyuu
import, importation, introduction
792 許す yurusu
to permit, to allow, to approve, to consent to
793 揺れる yureru
to shake, to sway, to waver
794 よう you
appearing ..., looking ...
795 用意 youi
preparation, arrangements, provision, getting ready, laying out (e.g. a meal)
796 要求 youkyuu
demand, firm request, requisition, requirement, desire
797 用心 youjin
care, precaution, guarding, caution
798 よこす yokosu
to send, to forward
799 汚れる yogoreru
to get dirty, to become dirty
800 予算 yosan
estimate (of costs), budget