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N3 Verb List

801 よす yosu
to cease, to desist, to cut it out, to lay off (an activity), to drop (a subject) to abolish, to resign, to give up
802 寄せる yoseru
to come near, to let someone approach
803 予測 yosoku
prediction, estimation
804 予定 yotei
plans, arrangement, schedule, program, programme, expectation, estimate
805 呼ぶ yobu
to call out (to), to invoke
806 予報 yohou
forecast, prediction
807 予防 yobou
prevention, protection (against), precaution
808 予約 yoyaku
reservation, appointment, booking, advance order
809 よる yoru
to be due to, to be caused by
810 来日 rainichi
arrival in Japan, coming to Japan, visit to Japan
811 理解 rikai
understanding, comprehension, appreciation
812 離婚 rikon
813 略す ryakusu
to abbreviate, to omit
814 留学 ryuugaku
studying abroad
815 流行 ryuukou
fashion, trend, vogue, craze, fad, popularity
816 利用 riyou
use, utilization, utilisation, application
817 料理 ryouri
cooking, cookery, cuisine, meal, food, dish, item on a menu
818 旅行 ryokou
travel, trip, journey, excursion, tour
819 冷房 reibou
air conditioning, air cooling
820 レポート repooto
report, paper
821 連合 rengou
union, combination, alliance, confederation, coalition
822 練習 renshuu
practice, training, drill, (an) exercise, workout
823 連続 renzoku
continuation, succession, series
824 連絡 renraku
contacting, (making) contact, getting in touch, communication, correspondence, call, message
825 労働 roudou
manual labor, manual labour, toil, work
826 録音 rokuon
(audio) recording
827 論争 ronsou
dispute, controversy, debate, argument, taking issue
828 沸く waku
to grow hot (e.g. water), to boil
829 分ける wakeru
to divide (into), to split (into), to part, to separate, to divide up, to classify, to sort out, to divide out
830 忘れる wasureru
to forget, to leave carelessly, to be forgetful of, to forget about, to forget (an article)
831 詫びる wabiru
to apologize, to apologise, to make an apology
832 割り算 warizan
833 割る waru
to divide
834 割れる wareru
to break, to be smashed
835 挨拶 aisatsu
greeting, greetings, salutation, salute, condolences, congratulations
836 上がる agaru
to rise, to go up, to come up, to ascend, to be raised
837 あげる ageru
to raise, to elevate
838 起こす okosu
to raise, to raise up, to set up, to pick up
839 落ちる ochiru
to fall, to drop, to come down, to crash, to collapse, to cave in, to give way
840 おる oru
to be (animate), to exist
841 かまう kamau
to mind, to care about, to be concerned about, to have a regard for
842 教育 kyouiku
education, schooling, training, instruction, teaching, upbringing
843 くださる kudasaru
to give, to confer, to bestow
844 喧嘩 kenka
quarrel, brawl, fight, squabble, scuffle, argument
845 込む komu
to be crowded, to be packed, to be congested, to be thronged (with)
846 ご覧になる goranninaru
to see, to look, to watch
847 邪魔 jama
hindrance, obstacle, nuisance, disturbance, interruption, interference
848 空く aku
to become less crowded, to thin out, to get empty
849 治る naoru
to get better, to get well, to recover (from an illness), to be cured, to be restored, to heal
850 濡れる nureru
to get wet