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N3 Adverb List

101 時期 jiki
time, season, period, phase, stage
102 しきりに shikirini
frequently, repeatedly, often, incessantly, constantly
103 事実 jijitsu
fact, truth, reality
104 しっかり shikkari
tightly (holding on), firmly, securely
105 じっと jitto
motionlessly (e.g. stand, wait), (be) still
106 実に jitsuni
indeed, really, absolutely, truly, actually, very, quite
107 実は jitsuha
as a matter of fact, by the way, to tell you the truth, to be honest, frankly
108 しばしば shibashiba
often, again and again, frequently, repeatedly
109 しばらく shibaraku
for a moment, for a minute
110 しみじみ shimijimi
keenly, deeply, fully, heartily, seriously, earnestly
111 瞬間 shunkan
moment, second, instant
112 順々 junjun
in order, in turn
113 正午 shougo
noon, midday
114 上旬 joujun
first 10 days of month
115 少々 shoushou
just a minute, small quantity
116 将来 shourai
future, (future) prospects
117 深夜 shinya
late at night
118 水曜 suiyou
119 ずっと zutto
continuously, the whole time, all the way, throughout
120 すぐに suguni
immediately, right away, at once, instantly
121 少なくとも sukunakutomo
at least
122 少し sukoshi
a little, a bit, a small amount, a few, some, slightly, somewhat
123 少しも sukoshimo
(not) at all, (not) a bit, (not) in the least, (not) in the slightest
124 すっかり sukkari
all, completely, totally, entirely, thoroughly
125 すっきり sukkiri
refreshingly, with a feeling of relief, pleasantly, (a weight) off one's shoulder
126 すっと sutto
straight, quickly, directly, all of a sudden
127 すでに sudeni
already, too late
128 ずらり zurari
in a row, in a line
129 せいぜい seizei
at the most, at best
130 せっかく sekkaku
with trouble, at great pains
131 せっせと sesseto
diligently, assiduously, industriously, beavering away
132 絶対 zettai
absolutely, definitely, unconditionally
133 是非 zehi
certainly, without fail
134 是非とも zehitomo
by all means, at all costs, absolutely
135 せめて semete
at least, at most, (even) just
136 全員 zen'in
all members, all hands, everyone, everybody, whole crew
137 先日 senjitsu
the other day, a few days ago
138 先々月 sensengetsu
month before last
139 先々週 sensenshuu
week before last
140 全体 zentai
whole, entirety
141 全部 zenbu
all, entire, whole, altogether
142 そっと sotto
softly, gently, quietly, lightly
143 続々 zokuzoku
successively, one after another
144 そっくり sokkuri
all, altogether, entirely, completely
145 その上 sonoue
in addition, furthermore
146 そのうち sonouchi
before very long, soon, someday, one of these days, sooner or later
147 そのまま sonomama
without change, as is
148 それほど sorehodo
to that degree, to that extent, that much
149 そろそろ sorosoro
soon, before long, any time now, momentarily
150 そんなに sonnani
so much, like that