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N3 Adverb List

151 hoka
other (esp. people and abstract matters)
152 たいして taishite
(not so) much, (not) very
153 たいそう taisou
very, extremely, exceedingly, greatly, terribly
154 大変 taihen
very, greatly, terribly, awfully
155 絶えず taezu
constantly, always, continually, steadily
156 多少 tashou
a little, some, somewhat, slightly, to some degree, to some extent
157 直ちに tadachini
at once, immediately, right away, without delay
158 たちまち tachimachi
in an instant, in a moment, immediately, right away, at once
159 たっぷり tappuri
full, in plenty, ample
160 例えば tatoeba
for example, for instance, e.g.
161 多分 tabun
perhaps, probably
162 たまたま tamatama
occasionally, once in a while, seldom
163 たまに tamani
occasionally, once in a while, now and then, rarely, seldom
164 ため tame
good, advantage, benefit, welfare
165 単に tanni
simply, merely, only, solely
166 近く chikaku
near, neighbourhood, neighborhood, vicinity
167 近頃 chikagoro
lately, recently, nowadays
168 ちっとも chittomo
(not) at all, (not) a bit, (not) in the least, (not) in the slightest
169 ちゃんと chanto
diligently, seriously, earnestly, reliably, steadily, legitimately
170 中旬 chuujun
middle of a month, second third of a month, 11th to 20th day of a month
171 ちょうど choudo
exactly, precisely, just, right, opportunely, fortunately
172 直後 chokugo
immediately following
173 直接 chokusetsu
direct, immediate, personal, firsthand
174 直前 chokuzen
just before, just prior to
175 ついに tsuini
finally, at last
176 次々 tsugitsugi
in succession, one by one
177 都合 tsugou
circumstances, condition, convenience
178 常に tsuneni
always, constantly
179 程度 teido
degree, amount, grade, standard, of the order of (following a number), about, approximately
180 点々 tenten
here and there, little by little, sporadically, scattered in drops
181 転々 tenten
moving from place to place, being passed around repeatedly
182 当時 touji
at that time, in those days
183 当日 toujitsu
day in question, appointed day, that very day, the day (of issue, publication, etc.)
184 どうして doushite
how, in what way, by what means
185 どうしても doushitemo
by all means, at any cost, no matter what, at any rate, surely
186 どうせ douse
anyhow, in any case, at any rate, after all, at all, no matter what
187 どうぞ douzo
please, kindly, pray, I beg (of you)
188 とうとう toutou
finally, at last, ultimately, in the end
189 当分 toubun
for the present, for the time being
190 通り touri
avenue, street, way, road
191 時々 tokidoki
sometimes, occasionally, at times, from time to time, now and then, once in a while, at intervals
192 ドキドキ dokidoki
thump-thump, bang-bang, pit-a-pat, pitapat, pitter-patter
193 特に tokuni
particularly, especially, in particular, expressly
194 特別 tokubetsu
special, particular, extraordinary, exceptional, especial
195 どこか dokoka
196 ところ tokoro
place, spot, scene, site
197 nen
198 途端 totan
just (now, at the moment, etc.), just as, in the act of, as soon as, at the moment that
199 途中 tochuu
on the way, en route
200 とっくに tokkuni
long ago, a long time ago, already