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N3 Adverb List

201 突然 totsuzen
abrupt, sudden, unexpected
202 どっと dotto
bursting out (laughter), breaking out (applause), roaring, whooping
203 とても totemo
very, awfully, exceedingly
204 とにかく tonikaku
anyway, anyhow, at any rate, in any case, at least, just
205 ともかく tomokaku
anyhow, anyway, somehow or other, generally speaking, in any case, be that as it may
206 ともに tomoni
together, jointly
207 土曜 doyou
208 どんどん dondon
drumming (noise), beating, pounding, banging, booming, stamping
209 どんなに donnani
how, how much, to what extent
210 なお nao
still, yet
211 なかなか nakanaka
very, considerably, easily, readily, fairly, quite, highly, rather
212 natsu
213 なるべく narubeku
as (much) as possible, as (much) as one can, wherever practicable, if possible
214 なるほど naruhodo
I see, that's right, indeed
215 なんとなく nantonaku
somehow or other, for some reason or another, without knowing why
216 ニコニコ nikoniko
with a friendly grin, smilingly
217 日常 nichijou
everyday, daily, ordinary, usual, routine, regular
218 日曜 nichiyou
219 日中 nitchuu
daytime, during the day
220 にっこり nikkori
sweetly (smiling), broadly (grinning)
221 年間 nenkan
(period of) a year
222 のろのろ noronoro
slowly, sluggishly
223 のんびり nonbiri
at leisure, in a relaxed manner, in a carefree manner, quietly, peacefully
224 場合 baai
case, situation
225 はきはき hakihaki
briskly, smartly, promptly, clearly, lucidly
226 初めて hajimete
for the first time
227 果たして hatashite
as was expected, just as one thought, sure enough
228 はっきり hakkiri
clearly, plainly, distinctly
229 ばったり battari
with a clash, with a thud, with a bang, with a flop, plump
230 haru
spring, springtime
231 ban
evening, night
232 半分 hanbun
233 ピカピカ pikapika
with a glitter, with a sparkle
234 非常に hijouni
very, extremely, exceedingly
235 ぴったり pittari
tightly, closely
236 びっくり bikkuri
to be surprised, to be amazed, to be frightened, to be astonished, to get startled, to jump
237 ひとまず hitomazu
for now, for the time being, for the present
238 ひとりでに hitorideni
by itself, automatically, naturally
239 昼間 hiruma
daytime, during the day, time from sunrise until sunset, diurnal period
240 広々 hirobiro
extensive, spacious
241 再び futatabi
again, once more, a second time
242 ぶつぶつ butsubutsu
grunt, grumble, complaint, mutter
243 fuyu
244 ふわふわ fuwafuwa
lightly (floating, drifting, etc.), buoyantly
245 平日 heijitsu
weekday, ordinary days (i.e. non-holiday)
246 別に betsuni
(not) particularly, (not) especially, (not) specially
247 ほとんど hotondo
almost, nearly, mostly, practically, virtually, basically, just about, all but
248 ぼんやり bonyari
dimly, faintly, indistinctly, vaguely
249 本来 honrai
originally, primarily
250 まあ maa
just (e.g. "just wait here"), come now, now, now