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N3 Adverb List

251 まあまあ maamaa
so-so, passable, not (so) bad, reasonable
252 まごまご magomago
confused, flustered, at a loss
253 まず mazu
first (of all), firstly, to begin with, before anything else
254 ますます masumasu
increasingly, more and more, decreasingly (when declining), less and less
255 まだ mada
still, as yet, only
256 まっすぐ massugu
straight (ahead), direct, upright, erect
257 まったく mattaku
really, truly, entirely, completely, wholly, perfectly
258 まもなく mamonaku
soon, shortly, before long, in a short time, in a little while
259 まるで marude
quite, entirely, completely, at all
260 見事 migoto
splendid, magnificent, excellent, fine, superb, beautiful, admirable
261 みんな minna
everyone, everybody, all
262 未満 miman
less than, under, below
263 mukashi
olden days, former
264 むしろ mushiro
rather, better, instead, if anything
265 めいめい meimei
each, individual
266 めっきり mekkiri
remarkably, noticeably, considerably, appreciably
267 滅多に mettani
rarely, seldom
268 もう mou
already, yet, by now, (not) any more, (not) any longer
269 もし moshi
if, in case, supposing
270 もしかしたら moshikashitara
perhaps, maybe, perchance, by some chance, by any chance
271 もしかすると moshikasuruto
perhaps, possibly, maybe, by some chance
272 もしも moshimo
if, in case, supposing
273 もちろん mochiron
of course, certainly, naturally
274 もっと motto
(some) more, even more, longer, further
275 最も mottomo
most, extremely
276 やがて yagate
before long, soon, shortly
277 夜間 yakan
night, nighttime
278 やっと yatto
at last, finally
279 やはり yahari
as expected, sure enough, just as one thought
280 やっぱり yappari
as expected, sure enough, just as one thought
281 やや yaya
a little, partially, somewhat, slightly, semi-, -ish, on the ... side, a short time, a while
282 唯一 yuiitsu
only, sole, unique
283 夕方 yuugata
evening, dusk
284 ゆっくり yukkuri
slowly, unhurriedly, without haste, leisurely, at one's leisure
285 yoru
evening, night
286 ようやく youyaku
finally, at last
287 わざと wazato
on purpose, deliberately, intentionally
288 割合に wariaini
289 割と wato
comparatively, relatively, fairly, rather, pretty, unexpectedly
290 これから korekara
from now on, after this, in the future, in future
291 今夜 konya
this evening, tonight
292 ずいぶん zuibun
very, extremely, surprisingly, considerably, awfully, terribly
293 全然 zenzen
(not) at all, (not) in the slightest
294 たいてい taitei
mostly, ordinarily, usually, generally
295 できるだけ dekirudake
as much as one can, as much as possible, if at all possible
296 遠く tooku
far away, distant place, a (great) distance, a long way off, afar
297 昼休み hiruyasumi
lunch break, noon recess, noon rest period
298 ほど hodo
extent, degree, measure
299 もうすぐ mousugu
soon, shortly, before long, nearly, almost
300 いくつ ikutsu
how many